nounou Translations

ID Unverified
About 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nounou English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

so sorry for the late reply but I have been away for the past 36hours my daughter was rushed to hospital and I stayed in there with her and we have just got home.Yes of course I will try my best to get everything you have asked me regarding Sofia done for you, I will use a 43gauge needle to get he very fine and straight and the sides close to the eyebrow. I am waiting on Sofia and Huggi bear kits to still arrive as I could only purchase them from England, I am praying they arrive this week.I have finished Lillian and I added more hair to the sides. And I will have Luca's hair finished tomorrow, with the thicker hair like Luca I do need to use a 40gauge needle to give it that thickness and style.


36時間不在にしており、ご返信が遅くなってしまって申し訳ありません。娘が病院に運ばれてしまい、私も付き添っていたため、今家に着いたところです。もちろん、あなたに送るソフィアについてはできる限り手を尽くしてあなたのリクエストにお応えします。43ゲージのニードルフェルトを使って眉くらいのサイズにとてもかわいく仕上げます。Sofia とHuggiの人形キットが英国からしか手に入らず、まだ到着を待っているところです。今週中に届くといいのですが。Lilianは既に完成しておりサイドには毛を追加しておきました。Lucaの髪の毛は明日仕上げる予定ですが、Lucaのような髪の毛とスタイルからして、髪の毛をより濃くするには40ゲージのニードルフェルトが必要です。