小川 (norinorimaki) Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
norinorimaki English → Japanese
Original Text

One important thing to do before you start is to define your goals. Who will use the product? Are they going to use it? Why would they use it? I know you would think that your product is a solution that you believe the world has never seen. But you need to make sure that you’re not building something people don’t really want or need. Make sure that your product is not solving a problem that isn’t actually a big enough problem for many people. Make sure your solution is hitting the right note to gain significant traction. Make sure that you’re building the right product for your audience before perfecting the experience.



norinorimaki English → Japanese
Original Text

By defining personas and creating customer journey, you will be able to identify what are the best and worst cases of users in using your product. What features on the product will be dependant on the personas, not on the product team. Don’t add new features just because you think that it will help. Or because it is cool. Or you think everyone is using it.

If your product becomes a success it’s not going to be due to how many features it has. Constrain yourself. A good product has limitations. Focus on what makes your product the product and only add features if you get clear signs that it is needed (by the user, not you).

