Globes Number 1 and 2 are all canceled?on the order screen says "sending in 8~10days", but it's too late to cancel past 2 weeks.I was helped our greatly thanks that the items are pretty good price, but always kind of late to contact me when out of stock.We order items as soon as when we receive order from the customer, and it is our service for our customers. so We need you contact us if something problem happened and out of stock.We know you have bunch of deals with other companies.just please give us a quick response in regards to that.
I'm a collector, I buy figures for me an some for my friends but with this new products of star wars figuarts i'll like to star buying more figures, the problem in my country (México) is that I can't buy more than 300-400 dlls because if I do IRS people will fine me.Now I'm buying 6 figures but more friends are interested, I want this 6 to show them the quality of the figuarts products and make another purchase 6 by 6.I'm interested in all the star wars figuarts line, will you have all the new figuarts figures? Phasma and obi wan? Can you find tamashii web exclusive products like shadow tie pilot and the bike from this line?I'm attaching you some pics of this figures I hope we can made a deal....
私はコレクターをしており、フィギュアを自分用と友人たちに購入するつもりなんですが、スターウォーズの新商品を買うにあたって一つ問題がありあmす。私の国メキシコでは国税庁の取り決めにより300〜400体以上のフィギュアを買うことができないんです。そこで、私は6体のフィギュアの購入を考えているんですが、友人たちも興味があるのでこの6体を直に見せたいんです。その方が質感もわかりますし。私はすべてのシーズンおスターウォーズフィギュアに興味があります。あなたはどうですか?持ってますか?Phasma やオビ・ワンは? Tamashii webという専門サイトで他では見つけることのできない商品を見つけることができます。例えば、shadow tie pilotやシリーズに登場するバイクなど。もしお互い相性がよければ興味がある商品の画像を添付してお見せすることもできます。