金城尚樹 (naokikinjo) Translations

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Over 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
naokikinjo English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

In fact, Pawoot Pongvitayapanu, Founder and Managing Director, Tarad, told e27 that through a campaign launched with chat app LINE last December, he has seen first-hand the positive effects mobile marketing has on e-commerce businesses. He added that the niche market Between offers fits Tarad well. “Because lovers always give each other things. That is a good chance for e-commerce (companies) like us to fill in the gap.

What is truly noteworthy is that Tarad has always been a visionary in the mobile commerce business. It has had a mobile site since 2003. Pongvitayapanu said, “We believed that mobile commerce is coming, and now it is here.”


実際、Taradの設立者であり常務のPawoot Pongvitayapanu氏は、12月にチャットアプリのLINEで始まったキャンペーンを通してモバイルマーケットはe-コマースに良い影響を及ぼすのを直接観察することができた、とe27に語った。Betweenが提供するニッチ市場はTaradに適しているとも付け加えた。これは、私たちのように、eコマース(コーポレーション)にとって、隙間をうめる良い機会である。


naokikinjo English → Japanese
Original Text

⑧make sure that you wash each item thoroughly after each grade of powder to avoid contaminating the finer powders with the coarser ones, when washing , return all rinsing liquid and powder residue to the relevant tubs, leave to settle then carefully tip out the excess water this will ensure you do not waste too much powder and the powder can then be reused.
⑨when using the chamois mops use at a speed of 5,000 to 10,000 revs and do not press hard just let the mop do the work. keep the mop moist and put the wet powder mixture onto the area that needs work. always use a different mop for each grade to avoid cross contamination of the powders.



naokikinjo English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.3
Original Text

Return reason: No longer needed/wanted
Buyer comments: I had to pay a customs charge of £25.35 to have this item delivered. Please process the refund. Emailing the seller is returned as undelivered. Please help.


Its the third time I'm writting to you and till now I don't have any answer. As you know I ordered and i paid you for a DAIWA CALDIA 3000 fishing reel. I received a tottaly wrong model (daiwa freams 2000). I would like to know how I will get the one I ordered.

Hi, I ordered and payed for a daiwa caldia 3000 fishing reel. Instead I received a DAIWA FREAMS 2000. I tried to contact the seller but he is not answering my mails. I want o change th one i received.




あなたにメールするのはこれで3回目ですが、まだなんの返答も受け取っていません。ご存じのように、私はDAIWA CALDIA 3000 fishing reelを注文し料金を支払いました。私は、全く違う商品(daiwa freams 2000)を受け取りました。注文したものの受け取り方を教えてください。

こんにちは。私はdaiwa caldia 3000 fishing reelを注文、支払をしましたが、代わりに DAIWA FREAMS 2000を受け取りました。販売人と連絡をとろうとしましたが、私のメールに対しての返答はありません。受け取ったものを交換したいです。

naokikinjo English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The product manager of GDT for WeChat told me that it works differently from the GDT system on other platforms. As what can be shown in the mobile pages by Subscription Accounts is limited — only text and image allowed — the ads cannot be more than simple display ads.

It’s unknown when or what a percentage of the advertising revenues Tencent will share with third-party publishers. But publishers that heard about the news today feel encouraging. There are other players, such as Sohu and Sina, are also building mobile platforms for third-party publishers and promised to share income with them. But today no one thinks anyone could be so powerful as WeChat.


