nana18 Translations

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Over 10 years ago Female 30s
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nana18 English → Japanese
Original Text

Stumbling blocks

Theia’s product looks very cool, but of course the company does face challenges. In addition its comparative lack of funding, there are likely to be some major competitors in the long run. Everyone from Google to Elon Musk is working on gesture-based tech, and a lot of the big players are working on 3D/augmented reality tech too.

We’ve already seen 3D holograms do everything from perform on stage to sell cookies in supermarkets. None of these have really been interactive in the way Theia’s Air Touch is meant to be, but there are certainly other companies working on that sort of thing.



GoogleやElon Musk出身の人は皆、ジェスチャーに基づいた技術を開発していて、また、多くのプレイヤーも3Dによって高められた写実的なテクノロジーを使用している。

3Dホログラムが、ステージでのパフォーマンスからスーパーでのクッキーの販売まで全ての事柄に関わることは周知のとおりである。TheiaのAir Touchが意図するものは、これらの事柄と大きな関係はない。しかし、競合他社が同様の事柄に取り組んでいることは自明である。