Fernando Henrique Campos (mrsushiba) Translations

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Over 11 years ago Male 20s
Portuguese (Brazil) (Native) English Portuguese (Portugal)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mrsushiba English → Portuguese (Brazil)
Original Text

Cooke is an impressionable teenager, but this isn't a film about a good kid gone bad. There's a level of introspection to Cooke, who is often seen discussing his options about going to college vs. entering the NBA draft straight out of high school. Cooke and his buddies discuss Kwame Brown, who entered the draft the year before Cooke's eligibility, and consider what they'd do with the salary Brown was offered. Their dreamy ideas are countered by former NBA coach Mike Fratello, who presents a shocking breakdown of just how little a million dollars will get you in the NBA. After taxes, agents, fees, insurance and other necessities, a player was making less money than someone with far less yearly gross.


Cooke é um adolescente impressionável, mas isso não é um filme sobre um bom garoto que deu errado. Há um nível de introspecção para Cooke, que é muitas vezes visto discutindo suas opções sobre ir para a faculdade vs entrar no draft da NBA em linha reta fora da escola. Cooke e seus amigos discutem Kwame Brown, que entrou no projeto no ano anterior a elegibilidade de Cooke, e pensar no que eles fariam com o salário de Brown foi oferecido. Suas idéias sonhadoras são contrariadas pelo ex-treinador da NBA Mike Fratello, que apresenta um colapso chocante apenas como pouco um milhão de dólares vai chegar na NBA. Depois de impostos, os agentes, taxas, seguro e outras necessidades, um jogador estava fazendo menos dinheiro do que alguém com muito menos bruta anual.

mrsushiba English → Spanish
Original Text

"World War Z," in contrast, is just bloody eye and ear candy. I realize it's problematic to review a film on the basis of what it might have been, but when that same film substitutes a vision that's vastly less intriguing and original than the one offered by its source, it's a fair tactic. What's onscreen here is just another zombie picture, only gigantic, and it's not too scary until you get to the end. Ironically, what makes the movie's final sequence unnerving is its embrace of time-tested low-budget zombie film values: intimacy, silence, suggestion, and the strategic deployment of boredom to lull viewers into complacency and set them up for the next scare.


"World War Z", en cambio, es sólo el ojo ensangrentado y dulces al oído. Me doy cuenta de que es problemático para revisar una película sobre la base de lo que podría haber sido, pero cuando esa misma película sustituye una visión que es muy menos intrigante y original que la ofrecida por su origen, es una táctica justa. ¿Qué hay en pantalla aquí es sólo otra imagen zombi, sólo gigantesca, y no es demasiado miedo hasta llegar a la final. Irónicamente, lo que hace secuencia final inquietante de la película es su adopción de los valores de la película de zombies de bajo presupuesto la prueba del tiempo: la intimidad, el silencio, la sugestión y el despliegue estratégico de aburrimiento para arrullar a los espectadores en la autocomplacencia y ponerlos en marcha para el próximo susto.

mrsushiba English → Spanish
Original Text

Instead of the David Lean-on-caffeine panoramas of thousand of computer-generated zombies swarming ant-like up walls and over barricades and taking down computer-generated choppers while panicked generals watch on monitors from thousand of miles away and Forster's close-up camera wobbles and wiggles and swings all over the place to generate unearned "excitement", the drawn-out final setpiece follows three people sneaking into a building that's overrun by a few dozen sleepy and distracted flesh-snackers. And what do you know? It's pretty scary, and unintended proof that when you try to re-invent the wheel, the result doesn't carry you as far as you would have liked.


En lugar de la de David Lean-on-cafeína panoramas de miles de zombies generados por ordenador que pululan como hormigas por las paredes y más barricadas y desmontaje choppers generadas por ordenador mientras los generales de pánico ver en monitores de miles de kilómetros de distancia y la cámara de Forster primer plano bamboleos y meneos y los cambios de todo el lugar para generar "emoción" no ganada, la SETPIECE final elaborado de salida sigue a tres personas escondidas en un edificio que está invadida por unas pocas docenas de carne bocados soñolientos y distraídos. ¿Y tú qué sabes? Es una prueba bastante miedo, y sin intención de que cuando usted trata de volver a inventar la rueda, el resultado no te lleva tan lejos como le hubiera gustado.

mrsushiba English → Portuguese (Brazil)
Original Text

Portland, OR, is known for its food trucks, but apparently that’s not the only local food on wheels. “One night, I walked by someone singing at the top of their lungs while dressed as a taco and on roller skates,” says Simon Tam, leader of the band The Slants. “It was just another ordinary evening out in Portland.”

No surprise, the city famous for its flagrant quirkiness ranked near the top among Travel + Leisure readers for a high density of hipsters—locals who embody the cutting edge of culture while also embracing simple, retro charms.

In this year’s America’s Favorite Cities survey, readers rated 35 major metropolitan areas for qualities such as wine bars, walkable streets, and great weather.


Portland, Oregon, é conhecida por seus caminhões de alimento, mas aparentemente isso não é o único local de alimente sobra rodas, "uma noite, eu passei por alguém cantando no topo de seus pulmões enquanto vestido como um taco e de patins", diz Simon Tam, líderr da banda The Sants. "Foi mais uma noite ordinária em Portland."

Sem surpresa, a cidade famosa por sua estranheza flagrante classificado perto do topo pelos leitores de Travel + Leisure para uma alta densidade de hipsteres-locais que encarnam a vanguarda da cultura e ao mesmo tempo abraçando encantos simples, retro.

Na pesquisa da Cidade Perfeita da América desse ano, os leitores avaliaram 35 grandes áreas metropolitanas de qualidade tais como bares, ruas tranquilas e excelentes climas.

mrsushiba English → Portuguese (Brazil)
Original Text

To discern the biggest hipster concentrations, we combined the results for offbeat and tech-savvy locals; great microbrews and coffee bars; a buzzing live music scene; and plenty of flea markets.
This year, the top hipster cities included San Francisco, where Hayes Valley's Proxy Project features food and art in shipping containers, and Minneapolis, where residents love their polka-infused supper club. For travelers, following the trail left by hipsters usually pays off—both in good culture and a lot of fun.
That doesn’t make you a hipster, of course. “Perhaps the most ‘ironic’ thing about Portland,” adds Tam, “is that very few people will actually admit to being a hipster.”


Para discernir as maiores concentrações hipster, combinamos os resultados para os excêntricos conhecedores de tecnologia locais; grandes cervejas e cafés; uma cena de música ao vivo movimentada, e abundância de mercados de pulga. Este ano, as principais cidades hipster incluindo São Francisco , onde tem o Projeto Hayes Valley's Proxy, com comida e artes em contêineres, e Minneapolis, onde seus moradores amam seu clube de ceia com infusão de polca. Para os viajantes, seguindo a trilha deixada pelos descolados geralmente compensa, tanto em boa cultura e diversão.
Isso não faz de você um hipster, é claro. "Talvez a coisa mais irônica sobre Portland", acrescenta Tam, "é que poucas pessoas vão realmente admitir que são hipster."

mrsushiba English → Spanish
Original Text

For all the perks like art galleries and sleeping pods that airports add to their terminals, the deciding factor for many travelers is still whether or not they can get through check-in and security smoothly.

We asked T+L readers to evaluate U.S. airports as part of the World’s Best Awards survey and found that more hubs should follow the example of Indianapolis, voted No. 1 in the check-in and security category. Ample natural light helps travelers find their way from point to point, check-in counters are never more than 45 feet from the entrance doors, and the baggage system moves luggage quickly in and out of the building. Smaller airports like Albuquerque and Austin, TX, also received high marks.


Para todos los beneficios como las galerías de arte y las vainas de sueño que los aeropuertos han añadido a sus terminales, el factor decisivo para muchos viajeros es todavía o no se puede obtener a través de registro de entrada y de seguridad sin problemas.

Pedimos T + L a los usuarios evaluar los aeropuertos de Estados Unidos como parte de la encuesta de World's Best Awards y encontramos que más concentradores deben seguir el ejemplo de Indianapolis, votado número 1 en el check-in y categoría de seguridad. Abundante luz natural ayuda a los viajeros a encontrar su camino de un punto a otro, los mostradores de facturación no son más de 45 metros de las puertas de entrada, y el sistema de equipaje equipaje mueve rápidamente dentro y fuera del edificio. Los aeropuertos más pequeños como Albuquerque y Austin, TX, también recibieron una alta calificación.

mrsushiba English → Spanish
Original Text

The screening procedures at these airports are usually fast (and friendly) and the gates an easy stroll from the terminal entrance.

But even airports not blessed with innovative layouts or a diminutive stature are finding new ways to speed travelers along, including self-service check-in kiosks and self-tagging of bags, courtesy of American Airlines in Austin and British Airways in Las Vegas.

The dreaded security process has been enormously improved by the TSA PreCheck expedited screening program, which is now available for international flights too. The TSA has installed PreCheck lanes in 40 airports, with planned expansions into 60 more domestic airports by the end of 2013.


Los procedimientos de selección en estos aeropuertos son generalmente rápido (y amable) y las puertas a un paseo de la entrada de la terminal.

Pero incluso los aeropuertos no bendecidos con diseños innovadores o una diminuta estatura están encontrando nuevas maneras de acelerar los viajeros a lo largo, incluyendo quioscos de autoservicio de check-in y auto-etiquetado de bolsas, cortesía de American Airlines en Austin y British Airways en Las Vegas.

El proceso de seguridad temida ha sido enormemente mejorado por el programa de detección expedita TSA PreCheck, que ahora está disponible para vuelos internacionales también. La TSA ha instalado carriles PreCheck en 40 aeropuertos, con expansiones planificadas en 60 aeropuertos más internos a finales de 2013.