mizunoh Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
Tigard, OR
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mizunoh English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

I thought I had emailed you but either I didnt or it didnt go through. Either way terribly sorry, The amp is still waiting on the face place. I got the wrong plate in and am waiting on the correct one to come in. They sent me a faceplate for a 6400, instead of the 6100. I dont know whose mistake that was but I sent the other one back and am waiting on the right one. I am sorry its taking so long. I can send it to you and let you take care of the faceplate issue as we discussed originally, if you dont want to wait any longer. I know its frustrating and its all on me for the crack and it not being ready yet. I will proceed as planned unless you advise otherwise. Thanks and sorry for everything.

