meixiang Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
Chinese (Simplified) English Japanese Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
meixiang Japanese → English
Original Text


 部位 第1指基節の後方(しりえ)より後1寸、背面の腱の外縁にあり。
(1) 第1指背面で基節の後方(しりえ)あたりで腱を確認する。
(2) その腱の外縁を確認する。第1指を屈伸すると捉えやすい。
(3) その腱に沿って後ろにずらしていくと下り坂になっており、最も低くなった所より心持後で腱の外縁に取る。


Locate Acupuncture Point:
1 Locate Shenmen at the ulnar end of the transverse crease of the palmer side wrist joint, superior of pisform,in the depression on the radial side of the tendon of muscle flexor carpi ulnaris.
2 according to the tendon of muscle flexor carpi ulnaris,take point at two finger superior from Shenmen.

Taichong, Bigger Rushing (Great Surge)
Location: 1 cun posterior from first proximal phalanx,out edge of the dorsum tendon of the foot.

Indication of locate Acupuncture Point:
(1) confirm the tendon in around posterior first proximal phalanx.
(2)confirm outer edge of the tendon.It is easy to get when make hallux flex.
(3)move back according to the tendon ,it goes down,and take a point slightly posterior of the last place and outer edge of the tendon.