mdtrnsltn (mdtrnsltn) Translations

ID Verified
Over 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
Medical Science Culture Business
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mdtrnsltn English → Japanese
Original Text

1 Pitch to panel: On June 22 from 5.30PM to 10PM, these winners will pitch to judges, comprising investors, design experts, as well as local entrepreneurs. The startups will also receive feedback on how they could improve their respective pitches.
2 Live poll, powered by DoubleDutch: On June 23, there will be a live poll by all the attendees of the Echelon Asia Summit to choose their favourite startups. The scores of the judges and the results of the poll will be used to determine the TOP10 Startups.

On June 24 – the final day of the tech and business conference – the TOP10 Startups will then pitch on stage for a chance to be crowned ‘Asia’s Most Promising Startup’.


1 審査員団へのピッチ‐6月22日、5.30PM to 10PMまで入賞者は、投資家、デザインエキスパート及び地元の  企業家からなる審査員の前でピッチする。その後スタートアップはそれぞれのピッチに対する批評を受ける。
2 DoubleDutchによる投票‐6月23日にはEchelon Asia Summitの全参加者による一番好ましいスタートアップ を選ぶ投票が行われる。審査員からの得点と、参加者の投票からTOP10スタートアップが決められる。
