masumura Translations

ID Unverified
Over 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
masumura English → Japanese
Original Text

(i) that the evidence you submit to Amazon belongs to the business you operate, and that business is established in one of the European Union countries; (ii) that all transactions regarding the services will be business-related transactions made by the business associated with the evidence you submit to Amazon; and (iii) that the evidence and all other information provided by you is true, accurate and current and you will immediately update any such information held by Amazon in case of any changes.

(c) Amazon reserves the right to request additional information and to confirm the validity of any seller account information (including without limitation your VAT registration number)


(i)あなたがアマゾンに提出する証拠は、あなたが運営している事業に帰属すること、そしてその事業がEU加盟国の一つで設立されたこと (ii)サービスに関する全ての取引は、あなたが証拠としてアマゾンに提出した事業に関連があること、さらに(iii)その証拠及びあなたが提供したその他全ての情報は、真実かつ正確であり現時点でのことであること、そしてアマゾンが受け取っているそれらの情報に変更があった際には直ちに更新すること。
