まるこめ (marukome) Translations

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About 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
marukome English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

2. Product with quality problems can be returned within 7 days from purchase date . But the company does not responsible for all shipping costs including insurance .

Products can not be returned under following situations .
1. Appearance of machine body or accessory has obvious scratch or wear track .
2. Machine body , accessories , CD , manual or warranty card is incomplete or damaged .
3. Packaging has obvious damage mark .
4. Non-quality problem .

Note :
1. Wondlan is not responsible for any loss that does not belong to product itself .
2. Non Wondlan brand products are not covered in the above warranty

Remark : Wondlan reserves the right of modification and final explanation to obligation need .


2. 品質に問題のある製品は購入日から7日以内に返却することができます。ですが、弊社は保険を含む配送料全てに対する責任はもちません。

1. 器具本体もしくは付属品の外観に明らかな傷や使用痕跡がある。
2. 器具本体や付属品、CD、説明書や保証書が欠けていたり、ダメージがある。
3. 梱包に明らかなダメージの痕がある。
4. 品質に問題がない。

1. Wondlanは製品に関係のない、いかなる損失に対しても責任をもたない。
2. Wondlanではない製品は上記の保障に含まれない。


marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

After the data is pushed through its algorithms, clients using PlusMargin will be able to determine ‘how likely’ customers are going to buy and can craft notifications accordingly.

Notifications come in the form of offers, which incentivise the customer to buy. Shetty gives the example of offering a customer free shipping for a purchase of US$50.

Unlike their competition, which according to Shetty is primarily rule-based, PlusMargin operates on a more automated basis. “You can think of it as A/B testing versus automated personalisation. We are more into the predictive and data science part instead of trying to do A/B testing,” he says.




Shettyによると、主にルールに基づく競合社とは異なり、PlusMarginはより自動化された基礎の上に作動する。「A/Bテスト 対 自動個人化として考えてもらっていいです。我々はもっとA/Bテストを行おうとする代わりに、予測・データ科学の箇所に関心をもっています。」、と彼は言う。