Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Lamido was a Lazada venture originally set up to offer a consumer marketplace platform separated from Lazada. Over the last year, third party sales have become the dominant driver of Lazada’s sales explosion with the share of third party sales growing from less than 10 percent, at the time of Lamido’s launch, to 75 percent today. With the rapid growth of both Lazada and Lamido marketplaces, we have experienced an increasing overlap between the customer and seller bases across the two platforms. Given the many synergies between the Lazada and Lamido brands, it is thus a natural step to combine their offerings.



mars16 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Uber and Lyft can’t convince courts that drivers are contractors, not employees

The ride sharing services Uber and Lyft were busy in two separate courts today trying to convince judges that their drivers are independent contractors and not employees.

But both have failed so far. The ultimate ruling could have far-reaching implications for not only the financial fortunes of the two companies, but for those of all “sharing economy” companies. And there are now many.

The two judges involved, U.S. District Judges Edward Chen and Vince Chhabria in San Francisco federal court, said in separate rulings that juries, not judges, would have to decide on the proper classification of Uber and Lyft drivers.





本件に関係した2人の裁判官であるアメリカ地方裁判所のEdward Chen氏とサンフランシスコ連邦裁判所のVince Chhabria氏は別々の判決で、UberとLyftのドライバーの適切な分類をするのは裁判官ではなくて陪審員だと述べた。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Probably the same people who early adopted Bluetooth head pieces in the early 2000s. You know who I’m talking about. Those early adopters, all men with slicked back hair (perhaps a vestige of late ’90s fashion?), that were found in public talking really, really loudly into an ugly Bluetooth headset prominently displayed on their ear. There is a reason that you don’t see that anymore. For one, it was a public nuisance, and two, most people don’t want to be seen yelling into a device.

Enter the emoji, the digital hieroglyphics that, in many cases, can substitute for lettered language.




mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Wikimedia Foundation and 8 other organizations sue NSA and DOJ over mass surveillance

The Wikimedia Foundation (“Wikimedia”), parent organization of ubiquitous online encyclopedia Wikipedia, has announced that it has teamed up with eight other organizations to file a suit against the National Security Agency (NSA) and Department of Justice (DOJ) in the U.S., as it looks to “challenge upstream mass surveillance.”

The case in question, of course, relates to NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden’s leaks to the media, which started back in 2013 and unearthed a myriad of global surveillance programs, some run in cahoots with governments around the world.


Wikimedia Foundationと8つの団体はNSAとDOJを大掛かりな監視活動で訴える

Wikipediaというユビキタスなオンライン百科事典を運営している企業の親会社であるWikimedia Foundation (「Wikimedia」)は、8つの団体とともにアメリカ国家安全保障局(NSA)と司法省(DOJ)を訴えることを明らかにした。「大掛かりな情報監視」に対抗したいとしている。

この件はもちろん、NSAの契約職員から内部告発者になったEdward Snowden氏のメディアへのリーク事件に関係するものである。この事件は2013年に発生し、 他国政府との共謀を含め、数多くの世界的な監視プログラムの存在が明らかになった。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

“By tapping the backbone of the Internet, the NSA is straining the backbone of democracy,” Lila Tretikov, executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation, says. “Wikipedia is founded on the freedoms of expression, inquiry, and information. By violating our users’ privacy, the NSA is threatening the intellectual freedom that is central to people’s ability to create and understand knowledge.”

The eight other organizations Wikimedia is partnering with for the suit are the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International USA, Pen American Center, Global Fund for Women, the Nation Magazine, the Rutherford Institute, and Washington Office on Latin America.


「インターネットの背骨部分を盗み出すことで、NSAは民主主義の背骨部分を歪めているのです」としたうえで、「Wikipediaは表現、質問、情報の自由を基盤として作られています。私たちのユーザのプライバシーを侵害することで、NSAは人々の知識の創造と理解に欠かせない知性の自由を脅かしているのです」と、Wikimedia FoundationのエグゼクティブディレクターであるLila Tretikov氏は述べている。

今回の訴訟でWikimediaが手を組んだ8つの組織は、National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers、Human Rights Watch、Amnesty International USA、Pen American Center、Global Fund for Women、Nation Magazine、Rutherford Institute、Washington Office on Latin Americaである。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

So will Wikimedia and co. stand a better chance of successfully challenging the NSA on this occasion? It believes so. “The 2013 mass surveillance disclosures included a slide from a classified NSA presentation that made explicit reference to Wikipedia, using our global trademark,” says Wikimedia. “Because these disclosures revealed that the government specifically targeted Wikipedia and its users, we believe we have more than sufficient evidence to establish standing.”


As for its own fight, you can read the full complaint from Wikimedia and eight other plaintiffs here.


それでは、Wikimediaとその仲間の団体は今回のケースでNSAにうまく対抗できるチャンスはあるのだろうか?大丈夫だと信じているようだ。「2013年の大掛かりな監視活動のディスクロージャーには、私たちの世界商標を使いながらWikipediaを明示的に参照したNSAによる機密のプレゼンテーション用のスライドが含まれていました」としたうえで、「このディスクロージャーでは、政府がとりわけWikipediaとそのユーザをターゲットとしていたことを示しています。私たちには十分な当事者適格があると信じています」と、 Wikimediaはコメントしている。



mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

In the wake of the Snowden revelations, the Wikimedia Foundation was strong in its condemnation of the NSA’s surveillance program, making specific reference to XKeyscore, a tool used by the NSA to collect “nearly everything a user does on the Internet.” As such, Wikimedia expedited its planned shift to the more secure HTTPS protocol, something it had already offered but not by default, while also denying being complicit in any data-gathering exercises initiated by the NSA. Elsewhere, Wikimedia also recently came out in support of Twitter’s so-called fight for transparency, an in-motion lawsuit filed against the DOJ over national security requests.


Snowden氏による暴露事件を受け、Wikimedia FoundationはNSAの監視活動に対する非難の声を強めることになった。その際、NSAが使用していて「インターネット上でユーザがやり取りしているほぼ全ての情報」を集めることができるXKeyscoreというツールを特に名指ししている。そのうえで、Wikimediaは予定していた、より安全性の高いHTTPSプロトコルへの移行を促進している。このプロトコルはすでに提供されてはいたが、デフォルトではなかったものである。他方で、NSAが主導するデータ収集活動に対しては関与しないことを明らかにしている。それ以外にWikimediaは最近、Twitterのいわゆる透明性向上に向けた取り組み、セキュリティ問題に関してDOJを相手に現在行われている訴訟への支援活動を行っている。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Google’s first fully branded physical store showcases hardware and apps, open in London now

Google has long been rumored to be entering the physical retail space, emulating a number of other online companies’ efforts to bridge the physical and digital divide. Now it’s finally happening with the launch of the first Google-branded store in London.

However, the store isn’t a standalone affair that will sit alongside Harrods or Selfridges — no, the Internet giant is opening a store inside a store belonging to U.K. electronics retail giant Currys PC World, in the Tottenham Court Road area of the city centre, according to Google’s press release.




ただし、この店はHarrodsやSelfridgesの隣に単独で建っているような代物ではない。そうではなく、このインターネットの巨人は、町中心部にあるトッテナムコート通り地区にあるCurrys PC Worldという英国の電気小売店大手内の店舗として店を開いていると、Googleの報道発表が伝えている。