Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

In this new work method, our communication is not only asynchronous but is also exclusively text-based. This text can later be read by a new member who wants to collaborate on the project (or those who were on vacation, sick, or out of the office) without taking precious time from those who are already working on it.

3. Managers

Lastly, we determined over a year ago that we wanted to work without managers. Now we do not need someone to control our progress, because everything is online and visible to all of our workmates — which project we are working on, how we are handling it technically, how long it is taking us, what resources we are using, and what results we have achieved.



3. 管理者


mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

It is very easy for a programmer to know if their colleague is doing their work on time and in correct form. But the problem we had before was that, as Google cofounder and CEO Larry Page said: “Engineers shouldn’t have to be supervised by managers with limited tech knowledge.”

In order for this work method to work, we have two guidelines:

1. We only hire proactive engineers; that is, people who do not need to be controlled all the time to do their job. Basically we choose other entrepreneurs like ourselves.

2. When they join our company, we propose that they have a “vesting” program so that in the future they can be owners of the company.


プログラマーにとって、同僚が時間通りに、正しいやり方で仕事をしているかどうかを知るのは難しくない。だが当社に以前あった問題は、Google創業者兼CEOのLarry Page氏が語っているように、「エンジニアは、テックの知識が限られている管理者に監督されるべきではありません。」


1. 当社が採用するのは先見の明があるエンジニアのみ。つまり、自分の仕事を四六時中コントロールされる必要のない人に限る。基本的に、自分たちと同じような起業家を選んでいる。

2. 入社後、採用者には、当社のオーナーとなれるような「受益権」プログラムがあることを提示している。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Japanese investors back Indian m-commerce startup LazyLad

The startup will use the US$500,000 raised to expand in India and foreign markets such as Indonesia, Singapore

LazyLad, a mobile app that connects customers with their neighbourhood retailers, has raised US$500,000 in pre-Series A funding from Silicon Valley-based VC investor Jai Choi, with participation from Kiyohiro Sugashita (a prominent financial expert in Japan) and Hirokazu Mashita, Founder/Director of M&S Partners.

LazyLad, a startup incubated at GHV Accelerator, will utilise the funds to expand in India, besides foreign markets such as Indonesia, Singapore and other developing Asian countries.




顧客と近隣の小売店をつなぐモバイルアプリであるLazyLadは、シリコンバレーを拠点とするVC投資家のJai Choi氏からプレ・シリーズAラウンドで50万米ドルを調達した。このラウンドにはKiyohiro Sugashita氏(日本の有名な金融専門家)やHirokazu Mashita氏(M&Sパートナーの創立者・ディレクター)も参加した。


mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

“We have peaked up to 1,200 orders a day, and are reaching 10,000 downloads without even fully utilising the US$100,000 raised through GHV. We are pretty excited on having Kiyohiro, Jai and Hirokazu as a part of our journey. These funds will be utilised to enhance the product to an extent, where it becomes a household name in the country, which can connect with the customer, through a powerful, scalable and asset light technology,” said Singla.

“We plan to raise a Series A round between US$5 million and US$10 million in the next six-eight months. We already have a substantial partial interest from some of the investors who may invest to the tune of US$3 million,” he added.




mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Sameer is one of the folks behind Cambly, a US-based startup with an English-learning app that’s quite different from most of the other language apps out there. Fire up Cambly and you’ll just see one big red button: “Practice English.” Push it, and you’ll be connected via video chat to a native English speaker. Then, you talk. There’s no curriculum, no tests, and no vocabulary – just a real conversation about whatever you want with the native speaker on the other end of the line.

(Full disclosure: Cambly, like Tech in Asia, is funded in part by Y Combinator. See our ethics page for more details.)



(フルディスクローズ:CamblyはTech in Asia同様、Y Combinatorによる資金提供を一部受けている。詳細については当社倫理ページ参照)

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Cambly grew out of personal experience, according to Shariff, who is one of the company’s founders. He and his co-founder Kevin had “both learned languages in school,” Shariff said, “but never really got to the point where we felt like we were fluent.” That is, until they started traveling. On the road, they experienced the advantages of immersion firsthand. Shariff, for example, found that learning Spanish was “much faster” in Argentina, where he could chat with native speakers to level-up his skills. Moreover, he found that these chats were “much more rewarding an experience than a traditional classroom environment.”



mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

One of those markets, unsurprisingly, is Asia. “Asia’s a big market for us,” Shariff said, because of the intense demand for English-learning services and the lack of easily-available native speakers. Cambly isn’t free – users buy time on the app, and it connects them to native English speakers who are paid for the time they spend chatting –but that hasn’t slowed the app in Asia at all. In fact, Shariff says that Cambly has grown by a factor of ten in several Asian markets over the past year, including Korea, Japan, and China. Korea in particular has grown “almost 100x in the past year,” according to Shariff, thanks in part to the addition of a local team member who has been effectively promoting the app there.



mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Obviously, Cambly has no shortage of competitors in Asia when it comes to language-learning apps. But its focus on cultural exchange with regular native speakers (rather than trained tutors) helps set it apart as a more natural and casual experience than most of the other video chat services on the market. And given that right now it’s only localized in three Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) and is growing strongly despite the lack of much on-the-ground presence in Asia, it’s not hard to imagine a bright future for Cambly in Asia’s massive English-learning app market.

(And yes, we're serious about ethics and transparency. More information here.)




mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Most people rely on the dominant search engine Naver and its blogs or their friends to find out where they should get their cars serviced or the next trendy pet cafe, which can be tedious. “When we first started, we were like, “Should we do discovery? Delivery? Reservation and all that.” And we thought we wanted to do all that at once, but discovery in itself is a massive market. So we need to actually dominate that space, and that goes into adjacent markets… but delivery in particular, I would say that we would partner existing players, more or less, just because there’s such great incumbents and I’m very satisfied with their service.


多くの人は、保有する車のサービスを受ける場所、トレンディーなペットカフェを見つけるのに支配的な検索エンジンNaverやそのブログ、あるいは友人たちを頼りにしているが、それは面倒なときもある。 「当社の初めのころは、『ディスカバリー(発見)でいくか、デリバリーにするか、リザベーション(予約)、すべてにするか』といった状態でした。それで、一度にすべて対応したいと思ったのですが、ディスカバリーはそれ自体が大きな市場です。だからこの市場を実際に支配する必要があり、それを周辺業界に広げていくのです。でもとりわけデリバリーは別です。ここは既存のプレーヤーと提携していきたいです。優れた既存事業者がいて、そのサービスにはとても満足しているからです。