日本入国のregulationsが更新されましたので以下のURLより詳細を確認してください・出国前検査証明書(COVID-19 Negative Test Result Certificate before departure)の提出が必要な場合は上記ウェブサイトからダウンロードできるフォーマットを使用してください・必要書類は念のため原本を持って入国してください・宿泊先の予約が完了しましたら私に予約確認書をお送りください・パスポートを受け取り次第、私は申請書類を準備いたします
The regulations to enter Japan has been updated, so please confirm its details from the following URL.* If you need to hand out the COVID-19 Negative Test Result Certificate before departure, please use the format you can download from the above website.* Please bring the original version of the required documents with you just in case, when you enter Japan.* Please send me the reservation confirmation form after booking a hotel.* Once I receive your passport, I will start preparing your application.
Thank you for buying it, but Japan Post Air Mail has been stopped now due to the coronavirus.I would like to somehow send you the product you bought.I would like to do my best for you.Please choose one of the three options as follows:1. Can you wait for shipping until the Air Mail becomes a normal condition?2. Should I send DHL to you with the additional fee?