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About 6 years ago Male
French (Native) Japanese English German
Business Science Gaming Travel Manuals






J'ai commencé ma carrière en France en tant que docteur-ingénieur pour des compagnies multinationales, mais je vis désormais à Kyoto, marié à une Japonaise.
Je suis donc très bien placé pour répondre aux problèmes de localisation de jeux vidéos ou autres, touchant notamment à la culture japonaise que j'adore. Je suis en plus un grand amateur d'anime et de J-Pop.
J'ai déjà une certaine expérience du travail de traduction en tant qu'employé en CDI d'une société japonaise d'import-export.
Auparavant, j'avais travaillé dans divers laboratoires de recherche français, au contact de nombreuses revues et intervenants anglophones. J'ai aussi travaillé quelques mois en Irlande et en Allemagne.

Mes spécialités:
Affaires: courriels, factures, accords commerciaux, e-commerce...
Sciences: optique, métrologie, spatial, physique, électronique...
Culture: tourisme et folklore japonais, localisation de jeux vidéos...

I started in France as an engineer in multinational companies after a PhD in metrology. I married a Japanese and moved to Japan where I worked during a few years as a sales engineer and translator in an import-export Japanese company. I finally left to dedicate myself entirely to the translation & localization part as an English to French and Japanese to French freelance translator.

My specialties:
Through my academic degrees in Science and years of experience dealing with worldwide high-tech leading customers and suppliers in various domains: physics, optics, space, electronics, medical instruments, programming...
Through my sales engineer position in Japan: business mails and documents (invoice, agreements...), meeting interpreter, corporate and e-commerce websites translations...
Through my natural curiosity for civilizations and my love of Japanese culture: pop culture and game localization, folklore, tourism...

Your benefits:
I always commit to deliver the most accurate translation achievable with regard to the source document, while ensuring you get a fluent and natural style in French.
I am also used to respect deadlines, specifications and NDA.
When it comes to cultural adaptations for localization tasks, I can provide the best match in various universes thanks to my extensive games, comics, anime and role-playing practice. You can also rely on my long professional experience outside the academic language world, as well as on my effective expat life, to bring that "real" touch to your translated texts.


Skill Experience
Conference interpreter 1–3 years
Industrial translation 3–5 years
Publishing translation 3–5 years
IT translation 3–5 years


Acquired Name Grade
2018/9 翻訳実務士

Work Experience

Term Company Department
2018/5 - フリーランス 翻訳者


Term Institution
2004/11 - 2007/11 Strasbourg University (博士号)

History of Residence

Term Country State City
2014/10 - Japan 京都
- France


Language Pair Area of Specialty Experience Description Example Translations
English → French Gaming 1 year As a freelancer
- Smartphone games' UI
English → French Science 5–10 years As a PhD student and fellow researcher in French labs:
- Peer reviewed-papers
- lectures in international conferences
English → Japanese Business 2 years 日本の商社で海外のメーカー・客と交渉(契約書や見積書など)。
French → English Science 5–10 years As a PhD student and fellow researcher in French labs:
- Peer reviewed-papers
- lectures in international conferences
French → Japanese Business 2 years 日本の商社でフランスのメーカーと交渉(契約書や見積書など)。
Japanese → English Manuals 2 years 光学のソフトウェアのマニュアル
Japanese → English Business 2 years 日本の商社で海外のメーカー・客と交渉(契約書や見積書など)。
Japanese → French Gaming 2 years ゲームローカライゼーション(フリーランスとして)
- SRPGのUIとセリフのローカライゼーション
- スマホゲームのUIとセリフのローカライゼーション
- アクションRPGのPR
Japanese → French Travel 2 years (フリーランスとして)
- 日常・観光・文化に関する会話集の翻訳(約9ヶ月、約90000文字/月)
- 観光、文化、医療、スポーツに関する用語の翻訳(約60万文字)
- 美術館、博物館の説明文書の翻訳
Japanese → French Business 2 years 日本の商社でフランスのメーカーと交渉(契約書や見積書など)。

Work History

(Completed / In Progress)
Standard Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Light Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Starter Japanese ≫ French 0 0  / 0 5  / 452
Starter French ≫ Japanese 0 0  / 0 5  / 1343
Starter Japanese ≫ German 0 0  / 0 3  / 134
Starter German ≫ Japanese 0 0  / 0 1  / 627
Starter English ≫ French 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter French ≫ English 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter English ≫ Japanese 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter Japanese ≫ English 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter German ≫ English 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter English ≫ German 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter German ≫ French 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter French ≫ German 0 0  / 0 0  / 0