aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

2. Leave 10 Minutes for Email

Continuous access to an avalanche of emails can make you feel obligated to frequently check your email. But few emails require immediate attention, and taming the email beast can be a tremendous drain on productivity. Instead, set aside 10 minutes each hour to check and reply to emails. There is no need to write long dissertations with thoughtfully articulated openings and endings. You are busy and so is the next person. Keep it short. When necessary, handle critical issues that demand immediate attention with internal chat.


2. Eメールには10分を割り当てよう

殺到するEメールをずっと見ていると、メールは高い頻度でチェックしなくてはいけない義務があるように感じるかもしれない。2,3のメールについてはすぐに注意を払わなくてはならないが、Eメールという名の野獣を飼い慣らそうとするとものすごく生産性を浪費することになり得る。その代わりに、メールをチェックし返事を送るための時間として1時間につき10分を取り分けておこう 。しっかりと考え抜き、整えられた序論と結論のある長い論文を書かなければいけないわけではない。あなたは忙しく、隣の人も同じだ。短いものにとどめておこう。必要な場合には、即座に注意を払わなくてはならず、チームでの対応が必要となる重要な事項を扱おう 。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

3. Make 20-Minute Meetings the Norm

As your team and responsibility grows, so can the number of meetings that sap your productivity, and that of your team. Every discussion does not require a 60-minute session. In fact, probably 95% of these conversations can be handled in 20 minutes or less. But you have to set appropriate expectations. Start by changing the default meeting length in your calendar tool to 20 minutes. In the long term, this will improve the overall efficiency and clarity of your communication, and encourage the entire team to communicate more quickly and with fewer words.


3. ミーティング時間の基準は20分とする


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

4. Give Yourself a 30-Minute Head Start

A CEO should be three steps ahead of the competition, two steps ahead of investors/partners, and a step ahead of other team members. An easy way to stay ahead is to start ahead. Begin your day 30 minutes before your stakeholders. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be in the office 30 minutes before everyone. The idea is to anticipate issues and tasks before anyone else and get a jump on them early in the day. Also, before leaving the office each day, plan for things you know will need to be handled the next day. Perhaps even drop an email to your team so that it’s waiting in their inbox the next morning.


4. 競争相手より30分先にスタートしよう


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

5. Have a 40-Minute Chill Out

Hacks or no hacks, managing time is a challenging task and it can wear you down quickly. Be smart about productivity and don’t adhere to the theory of “just work hard” no matter what the cost. You must make time to clear your head, focus your thoughts, and relax. Otherwise, you’ll burn out. Step away for about 40 minutes every five hours to re-energize and regain your focus. Lunch with the team is a great way to relax, yet utilize the time toward achieving a greater goal. Casual lunch conversations will help take your mind off work while building a great relationship with colleagues.


5. 40分、リラックスする時間を取ろう


kenny2030 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

iTwin, the secure Dropbox, launches new files permission feature. Claims 5-figure unit annual sales

iTwin launches files permission feature for enhanced security and better access control.

Earlier on Father’s Day last weekend, iTwin rolled out a new update which reads: iTwin now supports files permission. If you are unfamiliar with the product, iTwin consist two USB dongles that connect to each other through a dedicated hardware interface. Once paired with each other, these act as keys to enable access to shared files on the computers into which they are plugged in. e27 had previously provided coverage on them.





kenny2030 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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In January 2012, iTwin introduced file collaborations with its iTwin Multi features. Now, with the newly shipped file permissions feature, it will extend the user experience and security with better access control to the file collaboration features. This new feature has been released as a free software update to all iTwin’s current users.

So what lies ahead for iTwin? According to Lux Anantharaman, cofounder of iTwin, he says “iTwin is doing well and getting into new markets. I cannot reveal the exact number of iTwins sold, but all I can say is that we have sold 5 figure number last year and expect to do even better this year.


2012年1月、iTwinはiTwin Multiにファイルコラボレーション機能を導入した。そして今では、この新しいファイルパーミッション機能により、ファイルの連携にユーザーエクスペリエンスと優れたアクセスコントロールを備えたセキュリティが加えられたのだ。この新機能はiTwinの現ユーザーすべてに対して、ソフトウェアの無料アップデートとしてリリースされた。

それではこの先、何がiTwinを待ち受けているのだろうか?iTwinの共同創業者であるLux Anantharaman氏は、このように述べる。「iTwinはうまくいっており、さらに新たな市場へ参入しようとしている。iTwinがどれだけ売れたか、正確な数字を公開することはできないが、しかしこれだけは言うことができる。我々は昨年5桁の数を売り上げ、今年はさらに伸びると予測している。

kenny2030 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

We are also working on some seriously exciting stuff, which we intend to launch before Christmas this year. We are making major updates on the hardware/software/back-end cloud front. We have received tonnes of customer feedback and requests and so all of us can expect to see some really cool stuff. I cannot disclose the actual products per se, but expect iTwin to revolutionize the remote access space. In the meanwhile, we will be providing free updates to enable iTwin File Access to work on Mountain Lion, Windows 8 computers in the upcoming months. We are also improving our UI significantly and expect to see a smooth and much simpler UI in the near future.”


さらに我々は、かなり面白いものを準備しているところだ。公開は今年のクリスマス前を予定している。今はハードウェア、ソフトウェア、クラウドフロントのバックエンドに関する主要なアップデートを行っている。我々は顧客の方々から多数のフィードバックおよびリクエストを受け取っており、したがって我々すべては本当にすばらしいものがこれから出てくることを期待できる。実際の製品そのものを公開することができないが、私はiTwinがリモートアクセスの分野に革命を起こすことを期待している。今のところは、iTwin File AccessがMountain LionおよびWindows 8のコンピュータで動作するための無料アップデートを、これから数ヶ月間にわたって用意することになるだろう。我々はさらに、ユーザーインターフェースを大きく改善中であり、スムーズでよりシンプルなユーザーインターフェースが近い将来実装されることを期待している。」