aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Regardless of where you live, starting up a business and growing it through its early stages is difficult. As the chief strategy officer for SoftLayer, a global infrastructure as a service company, I’ve had the opportunity to mentor hundreds (if not thousands) of entrepreneurs and startups who were selected to join our Catalyst Startup Program, so I often find myself responding to questions about everything from business mechanics and corporate culture in Canada to conflict resolution and branding in Europe. Every startup faces unique trials and tribulations, but I’ve noticed that there is a universality to the challenge of keeping a new business alive through the first few years.


あなたがどこに住んでいるかにかかわらず、ビジネスを立ち上げ、そしてアーリーステージを通じて発展を続けるのは難しいことだ。インフラをサービスとして提供するグローバル企業SoftLayerの最高戦略責任者として、私はCatalyst Startup Programに参加するよう選ばれた何百人もの(何千ではないにしても)起業家やスタートアップの関係者を指導する機会があった。そこで私は、カナダにおけるビジネスの仕組みと企業文化に関するものからヨーロッパにおける紛争解決やブランディングについてまで、あらゆる質問に対して返答してきた。あらゆるスタートアップは独特の試練と苦難に直面するものだが、私はある普遍的なことに気づいた。それはすなわち、最初の数年間、新たな事業を活気にあふれたものとし続けるのはいつでも挑戦となる、ということだ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Recently, we continued the global expansion of Catalyst into Asia by signing up a few leading web-savvy companies like Stepcase, and, and the first conversations I’ve had with these small businesses are exactly the same as the conversations I have with every other small business I’ve ever mentored. Questions like, “How can we make sure our business is successful?” and “What should we know about taking investments in our business?” aren’t exclusive to a single region or type of business, so I thought I’d take a moment to share four of the biggest survival tips that I think every startup needs to know:



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Make sure your company name represents your business. This seems like a no-brainer, but does your business name represent what you actually do? In the cases of companies like Kleenex, Xerox and Google, their names have actually become representative of their entire industry. Be creative, use tangential thinking and make sure your business name is one that you’re proud of because it’s going to be on everything from letterhead to advertisements. It will be the cornerstone of branding for your company. Your company name should reflect your core offering and prevent barriers to entry for any potential customers.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

3. From your first customer onwards, commit to doing good business. Put yourself in the position of a potential customer that you’re negotiating with and anticipate their needs. With the very first deal you ever make and every deal you make afterwards, you’ll need to find a middle ground where both you and your customer can walk away better off than where you started. Think about where you want to take your business, and don’t make unrealistic compromises that could hinder your long-term business goals just to get a customer win. At the same time, you want to make sure your customers are satisfied with their experience with you and your product. It’s a fine line to walk.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

4. Walk into every investor meeting with your eyes open and ready for curveballs. The same rules in prepping for a school exam apply here: Study, do your research and anticipate the questions you will be asked. What have other companies similar to yours done to get funding? If you think your idea is a better approach to the industry norm, build your case and be ready to argue that point. You are the expert, so walk in to investor meetings locked and loaded with information. This preparation and confidence communicates that you are ready to make money for your investors.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

I’ve found that those four simple tips are fundamental building blocks of startup success, and even with the quick-moving market conditions and time-sensitive nature of startups, they have proven to be universal. The quality of the people around you is critical, whether employees, partners, or investors. Your brand needs to be “sticky,” and unless you have the time and resources to build a brand with a name, logo and other identifiers that represent the company’s offering, you shouldn’t try to reinvent the wheel. Respect your long-term business and your customers. Approach meetings with potential investors as the biggest sales meetings of your life.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Will Regulation Kill China’s App Market or Save It?

Yesterday, I wrote about MIIT’s plans to regulate China’s app markets and the mobile application industry at large (MITT is China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology). Since then, the story has garnered a lot of attention, and provoked some interesting debate. As I pointed out yesterday, there are plenty of app developers who aren’t too happy about this idea, but in poking around for a bit on Sina Weibo, I found there are also at least a few people who are in favor of the government getting more involved in the country’s app marketplaces.



昨日、筆者は中国のアプリマーケットとモバイルアプリ産業全般を規制するMIIT(中華人民共和国工業情報化部)の計画について書いた。それ以来、この記事は多くの注目を浴び、興味深い論争をいくつか引き起こした。筆者が昨日指摘したとおり、多くのアプリ開発者はこのアイディアについてあまり幸せな気分にはならないだろう。しかし、Sina Weibo(新浪微博)上を少しの間、うろうろしていると、中国政府がアプリマーケットプレイスによりいっそう関与することに対して賛成する少数派の人々がいることを筆者は発見した。

kenny2030 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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Of course, this is a highly complex issue, but I think it’s worthwhile to take a look at some of the main arguments on both sides. Here’s are some of the main reasons some people oppose the idea:

・Historically, MIIT’s regulation has led to delayed release dates in China, and delaying app releases could damage the industry’s development because it’s such a fast-moving field.

・MIIT may not be capable of effectively regulating such a large and fast-changing market.

・Requiring all apps to be officially approved opens the door to corruption, favoritism, protectionism, and other potential abuse by regulators and app developers.






kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

That said, though, any rational person would have to admit that China’s app marketplace can seem a bit like the Wild West sometimes, and regulation that effectively cut down on copycats, fraudulent apps, and poorly-made apps full of bugs and viruses would be welcomed by the vast majority of the developer and user communities, I expect. The fact that there has been so much backlash about this plan is probably a telling reflection of how little confidence people have in the government and in MIIT specifically to regulate effectively and efficiently, not how much people oppose government regulation of this industry as a general concept.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

So will MIIT regulation kill China’s app market or save it? A little bit of both, actually. Of course, what MIIT actually does remains to be seen, but I expect that two things will happen. First, MIIT regulators are likely to be easier on Chinese companies and domestic app markets than they are on foreign ones, so regulation will likely hurt foreign developers looking to sell their apps in China but help domestic developers. At the same time, the release delays and the restrictions MIIT is likely to impose on apps will hurt everyone from developers to users, as it likely means fewer apps and longer waits before apps are released to the public.

