返信ありがとうございます私は英語が得意ではないので翻訳サービスを利用していますそのため、今後も意思疎通がうまくできないかもしれませんが何卒よろしくお願いします「tax refund agent service」はimport vat の還付についてです添付書類の「C79」や「C88」をもとに還付を受けています御社はメールに対しての返信が早く真摯にお答え頂けるので助かります現状はVAT申告について不安があるのでEUでの販売に力を出せないのですが御社の協力があれば可能だと信じます
Thank you for your response.I'm afraid I'm not good at English, so I'm using a translation service.Thus, there is the possibility that you cannot understand my intention as I would like you to understand, but please be patient and I'll do my best."Tax refund agent service" is about the reimbursement of import vat.We receive the reimbursement based on the C7 or C88 in the attached document.We are grateful that your company always responds to our mail quickly and sincerely.Honestly speaking, we are still anxious for the VAT declaration at this moment, so we cannot emphasize our sales in EU market.However, we are sure that we could make it with your help.
メールに気付くのが遅くてごめんね姪のYが夏休みなので一緒に遊んでいる昨日はスタバに行ってみたいと言うので連れていったでも彼女はジュースを飲んでいた私はYにふりまわされているこれはしばらくつづく うれしいけれどすごく大変私があなたの身元保証人のサインをすることは何の問題もないよよろこんでするよサインをしてあなたに郵便で送ればいい?返事待ってるね写真のコメントはまだ途中入れ終わったらまた言うね母はすごく元気誰も彼女が病気だと気づかない彼女も薬を飲むとき以外は病気を忘れている
Sorry for noticing late with your mail.As my niece Y is on summer vacation, we're hanging out together.Yesterday she told me she wanted to go to Starbucks coffee, so I took her there.Though she was drinking juice.I was at the mercy of her selfishness.This may be continuing for the time being, I'm happy but it's a little bit tough work.There's no problem for me to sign and be your guarantor.It's my pleasure.Should I send the document with my signature by mail?I'll be waiting for your response.Comments on pictures are still ongoing.I'll let you know when it finished.My mum is very well in her spirit.No one notice that she's sick.Even herself forget to be in sick except the moment when she takes medicine.