Nonetheless, growth remained strong and GREE started to gain attention from Japanese telecom operators. In June 2006, GREE received investment from KDDI, amounting to 360 million yen (or about US$4.6 million).As a result, EZ GREE was launched in November 2006 as the official mobile service for KDDI; it’s now known as ‘au one GREE.’ Three months later GREE became NTT Docomo’s official mobile networking service. And by March of 2007, GREE had hit the one-million-users milestone.
それでもなお成長は堅調に推移し、GREEは日本の通信事業者から注目され始めた。2006年の6月に、GREEはKDDIから3億6000万円(およそ460万USドル)の出資を受けた。その結果として、2006年の11月にEZ GREE(現au one GREE)がKDDIの公式モバイルサービスとして開始された。その3か月後、GREEはNTT Docomoの公式モバイルネットワーキングサービスとなった。そして2007年の3月で会員数が100万人に達した。
You allowed me to stay in your home, but since it is a nuisance to you, I am going to stay in your home only on the first day and after that stay at a hotel. Please tell me roughly the agreed insured value of your collections. I need it to estimate the cost of transport or insurance. Now, I will be waiting for your reply.
あなたがこれを読んでいるということは荷物が無事に着いたということですね?以前私はUSからCDを買った際ケースが割れていたことがあったので梱包剤を沢山いれました。荷物が大きくなってしまってごめんなさい。INROCK 3月号も同封しました。インタビューは来月号に続くそうです。私は再びこの雑誌を買わなければなりません。なんて彼らは商売上手なんでしょう!(笑) あなたが私にお礼の何かを送る必要は全くありません。私はあなたと今までどおりメールやtwitterで話せるだけで充分幸せです。
What you are reading this now means that you received the package without incident, doesn't you? I filled up a gap of it with many packing materials because the CD which I ordered from U.S. had been broken before. So, I am sorry that it is voluminous. I also enclosed the March issue of INROCK. The interview in it will be continued next month. So, I will have to buy the next issue. How good the publishing company is at business lol! And you don't have to send me something in return. I am happy sufficiently that I can communicate with you by mail or twitter as ever.