Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

4.9 315 reviews
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Over 8 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Computer Hardware Computer Software
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

We are cooperating with many sellers on ebay.Nas are interested in your product and we would like to receive 1 sample for a free trial! If we like the product, then we are ready to buy from you a large batch of 150 to 500 pieces for sale in our store! We understand that if the seller wants to send his goods for free as an advertisement and a trial version, the seller is confident in the quality of their goods. We value such sellers.We get 1 product for free from the sellers, and if we are satisfied with the quality of the goods, then we conclude a contract if the goods that we do not like, we send the goods to the seller, as we care About our reputation! Do you agree to cooperate with us?


私達はeBayで非常に多くの販売者と協力しています。Nasは御社の製品に大変興味があり、無料使用のためサンプルを1つお送り頂ければ幸いです! もし私たちが御社製品を気に入ったら、自分の店舗での販売用に150~500個の大口のまとめ買いをする準備があります。販売者が広告として無料で試用版を送ることが希望である場合、販売者は自分の製品の品質には自信を持っています。私たちはそんな販売者をとても大切にしています。販売者から無料で1つの製品を手に入れ、もしその製品の品質に満足がいくようであれば、契約を結びたいと考えており、一方、もし気に入らなければ、そちらの評判も考慮し、製品を販売者に返送します。弊社との協力関係の構築にご賛同いただけますか?

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Reduced time to generate global reporting from days to seconds
Reduced cost to support business unit needs by 25-30%
Eliminated business disruptions from limited application functionality
Future-proofed global film planning for advances in cinema technology
Single, global roll-out to 700+ users on a single day (first time in Fox theatrical history)

Reduced time to generate global reporting from days to seconds
Reduced cost to support business unit needs by 25-30%
Eliminated business disruptions from limited application functionality
Future-proofed global film planning for advances in cinema technology
Single, global roll-out to 700+ users on a single day (first time in Fox theatrical history)




ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Release 1 of the Fox MRM solution is foundational in nature, paving the way for subsequent releases. Plans are to bring a data warehouse on line in late 2014, with data largely sourced from the Fox MRM solution.
Release 2 of Fox MRM slated to begin in early 2015, with the extension of mobile and deeper analytics capabilities. First SaaS implementation within 21st Century Fox Filmed Entertainment (Theatrical) business unit.
Fox MRM solution has been demonstrated to other 21st Century Fox business units, such as Fox TV and Fox Sports, as the client looks to standardize application development on a single platform.


Fox MRMソリューションのリリース1は、本質的には基本的なものであり、後に続くリリースのための道を開拓するものです。 2014年後半にデータウェアハウスを導入する予定であり、主にFox MRMソリューションのデータが広く提供されます。
Fox MRMのリリース2は、モバイルとより深い分析機能の拡張によって2015年初頭に始まる予定です。 21世紀フォックス・フィルム・エンターテイメント(劇場)ビジネスユニット内の初のSaaS導入です。
クライアントは単一プラットフォーム上でのアプリケーション開発の標準化に関心を寄せており、FOX MRMソリューションは、Fox TVやFox Sportsなどの21世紀フォックスの他の事業部門でも実証されています。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text


Thanks again for joining the Amazon Associates program. We’re reaching out to you because we have not seen sales activity on your account. You have 90 days to record a referral to avoid closure of your account.

Associate accounts that have not referred a sale to Amazon.com within 180 days of sign-up will be automatically rejected. However, if your account is automatically rejected, you will be welcome to re-apply to the program in the future.

If you would rather close this account now, you can contact us at the link above to request the account closure.

We hope that you’re able to take advantage of this opportunity, and we look forward to seeing you again soon.







ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

We would like to thank you for your order with us here at CARiD.com!

Upon processing your order, our manufacturing facility has informed us that the following item(s) are no longer available, please view details and options bellow.
Part Discontinued By Manufacturer without prior notice

Here at CARiD.com, our goal is to oversee in detail that your order arrives in the most efficient and timely manner possible.

If for any reason you decide that you no longer want to receive this item, please reply to this email with your request to cancel. Due to production variables outside of our control, this shipment will be slightly delayed as per the above notification.




