junnyt Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
junnyt Japanese → English
Original Text

クックパッドの運営するレシピ投稿サイトcookpad.comは、2008年のリニューアルでRuby on Railsを採用しました。以来、日本最大のRailsサイトとして月間989万人のユーザーから生み出される4.6億PVを支え、なおも拡大を続けています。



cookpad.com managed by COOKPAD Inc., the web site on which users can post their receipts applied “Ruby on Rails” at the renewal in 2008.

Since then, as the maximum Rails site in Japan, it supports 460 million page views generated from 9 million and 890 thousands users per month and still expanding in its size.

Bringing in the Agile technology such as test-driving development or scram system and utilizing distributed processing technology like Hadoop or cloud computing, we are providing the value in user’s daily life with the speed which can never be achieved before and trying to achieve our mission “Make more people look forward to cooking everyday and smile in their heart.”

On August 29(Sunday) 12:00~13:30 , we are planning the session「●●」at RubyKaigi2010.

If you are interested in the technology to enrich our lives or the manufacturing at Ruby, don’t miss it!

junnyt Japanese → English
Original Text



It is late to bring out order confirmations and many products are cancelled.
We also receive complaints from A every season as we tell them about cancellations late.

Last season, we told A about minimum amount and the possibility that the order whose number is less than the minimum ones might be cancelled, but A ignored it and the number wasn’t increased.

As a result, there came many cancellations this season as well.

Next season, we will tell B to let us know the minimum number with which we can produce for sure. Then we will tell A about it before ordering.

We need some arrangements for C to tell which products were cancelled and bring out confirmation early when making deals.(ex. bring out confirmation within ~days from orders)

junnyt Japanese → English
Original Text

さて、早速のご注文は大変うれしいのですが、これから一から仕事場を立ち上げなければならないため、ご注文されたウクレレの製作開始に少し時間がかかります。発送方法や決済方法なども只今調査中でして、決まっていません。ざっと調べたところ、発送料金はウクレレ一本につき30ドル前後ですが、 もっと安い方法がないか調べているところです。決済はpaypalがお互い簡単で安価であるようで検討中です。なにか取引方法にてリクエストなどありましたら、おっしゃってください。詳細がわかり次第、またメールいたします。この度はありがとうございました。


Thank you for your mailing immediately.

I could safely came back to Japan on June 22th.
Well, I am really happy for you order so soon, but I have to start up my workplace from now on. So it takes a while to start making the uke ordered.

I also am thinking of how to deliver products or how customers pay for them and haven’t decided yet.

I’ve check roughly find out shipping cost should be around 30 dollars per an uke, but I am still looking for some cheaper ways.

About making payment, I am thinking of paypal as it seems to be easy and cheap for each other.

If you have any request about transaction system, please tell me.
I will mail you as soon as I know the detail.

Thank you for you interest this time.