Junko Iwata (junchik) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
junchik English → Japanese
Original Text

This test was carried out in a laboratory with a room temperature of 20±2t and 55%,
65%, 75%, 85%, 95% RH, by setting ΔT to 10℃, respectively, constant pressure to 6gf /cm2.

Therefore it is very important to study the properties of fabrics consisting of clothes, vanous designs and wearing relations to the environment, in order to accomplish a more comfortable
clothing life. Fabric is a composition of fibers, air and moisture while its thermal conductivity
shows a complex condition which relates to the thermal conductivity of these fabrics, air and moisture as well as radiation and convection between fibers.For these reason, there are many studies on thermal and moisture transport properties of cloth [1-5].


このテストはそれぞれΔTを10℃、温度が20±2t、RH が65%, 75%, 85%, 95%、一定圧力が6gf /cm2の部屋で行われた。

従って、より快適な衣生活を達成する為には、衣服の織物の性質、vanousのデザイン、着るものの環境への影響を調べる事はとても大切な事である。 織物は繊維・空気・水分から構成され、織物の熱伝導率は、繊維間の放熱・対流と同様に繊維・空気・水分の熱伝導率に関係する複合条件を示す。 その為、衣類の熱や水分の移動性質について多くの研究がある[1-5]。

すみません、"vanous" の訳がどううしてもわかりませんでした。

junchik English → Japanese
Original Text

Japanese Collaborative Diagram Service Cacoo Hits 500,000 Users

Japanese startup, Cacoo, the online diagram and wire-frame creator, has surpassed 500,000 users recently. We have been tracking and using Cacoo for more than a year ourselves, so we’re happy to see it reach this milestone. Readers may recall our team experimenting with its Google Hangouts feature a few months back.

The product was developed by Nulab Inc, a software company based in Fukuoka, Japan. You can catch the video below to find out more about the service. But in short, think of Cacoo as a collarborative wireframe creator. It brings all your team members together to build a diagram on a single page in real-time.



日本で設立されたCacoo(カクー)は、Web上で図や枠を作成できるクリエーターで、最近ユーザーが50万人を超えた。 我々自身もCacoo(カクー)を1年以上注目し利用していて、この達成を嬉しく思う。 読者の皆さんは我々のチームが数カ月前にGoogleのハングアウト機能を経験していたのを思い出すかもしれない。

製品は日本の福岡県にあるソフトウェア会社である株式会社ヌーラボに開発されたものだ。 詳しいサービスは下に添付されてる動画で確認できる。 だが要するに、Cacoo(カクー)を共同枠作成者と考えよう。 それはあなたのチーム全員が一緒にリアルタイムで1つのページで図を作成することが出来るのだ。

junchik English → Japanese
Original Text

Foreign investors rushing into Myanmar

Coca-Cola plans to return to Myanmar after a 60-year absence as a result of the US government’s decision to relax investment sanctions.

It originally entered Myanmar in 1927, but left in 1962 when the military seized control of the country.

Coke has a history of being the first to re-enter markets. Expelled from China in 1949, the company shipped 20,000 cases from Hong Kong in 1979 after full diplomatic relations were established.

Only North Korea and Cuba remain as countries where the company does not do business.

Coca-Cola’s re-entry is reflective of the swarm of foreign investors seeking to establish a presence in what is being called Asia’s last frontier market.





コカ・コーラは初めて市場へ再介入する歴史がある。 1949年に中国から追い出されたが、完全な外交関係が設立された後、1979年に香港から20,000ケースを搬送した。

