jaga Translations

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About 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
jaga English → Japanese
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The logical extension is that employers should offer this choice to their staff – letting employees adapt their working hours to fit their lifestyles, and giving them flexibility over work locations in order to help them cut their commuting. As well as facilitating a more harmonious work-life balance, flexible working has a lower environmental impact.

Location flexibility matters as much as time flexibility

Offering a choice of work locations is especially helpful in metropolitan areas. With urban sprawl and worsening traffic congestion making commuting ever more time-consuming, allowing employees to work closer to home frees up hours each week – time they may use for work as well as non-work activities.





jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

Many of these apps use a text format called Markdown. If you’re not familiar with it, don’t worry. It is just a plain text markup language that is easily converted to HTML. But trust me when I say that if you write for the web (i.e. if your final output is HTML), you should be writing in Markdown. It’s far more readable, and from an editor’s point of view that’s invaluable. It’s also really great if you happen to be writing on a mobile device. Have a look at the two documents below. HTML is on the right and the Markdown equivalent is on the left. Which is easier to read/write/edit? Which would be easier to read/write/edit on a mobile device?


これらのアプリの多くはMarkdownと呼ばれるテキストフォーマットを使用している。もしMarkdownに詳しくなくても気にしなくていい。Markdown はHTMLに簡単に変換できるプレーンテキストマークアップ言語だ。ウェブに掲載する執筆を(つまり、最終的な形式がHTMLの場合)しているならMarkdownで書くことをお勧めする。とても読みやすく、編集者の観点から見てなくてはならないものだ。また、モバイルデバイスで書いている場合、実にありがたい。以下の2つのドキュメンを見てほしい。HTMLが右で、同じ内容をMarkdownにしたものが左だ。どちらが読み・書き・編集しやすいだろうか?モバイでデバイスではどちらが読み・書き・編集しやすいだろうか?

jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

I’m going to give an overview of some of my favorite mobile writing tools here. They all cost a couple of dollars each, but when I consider the benefits they have for work, they’re well worth it. Plus, it’s always fun to learn new tools!

1. TextExpander Touch 2.0

As you can see in the picture above, even though Markdown is far simpler to type than HTML, it could still be made a little easier. In iOS for example, getting at the “[“ and ”]” keys can be awkward. TextExpander Touch (as well as TextExpander for Mac allows you to get around this in many ways. The app can be used for any kind of text expansion, but here are just a few of the ways in which I use it [1]:



1. TextExpander Touch 2.0

上の図が示すようにHTML と比べMarkdownはかなり打ち込みやすいが、わずかではあるがさらに容易にすることができる。例えはiOSでは [ や ] を入力するのが面倒なことがある。TextExpander Touch (あるいはTextExpander for Mac)を使いこれを様々な方法で回避することができる。このアプリはどのようなテキスト拡張にも使用できるが、筆者が利用しているものをいくつか[1]に示しておいた。

jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Drafts

I actually used Drafts to write this post, so naturally it is going to make my list (and it’s also the editor you see in the demo video above). Drafts is a useful text editor when you need to write something quick. Just open it up and there’s a blank page just waiting for input.

Once you’re finished writing, you can send your note to just about any destination you wish: Facebook, Twitter, Email, Evernote, Dropbox, or a different text editor. I often use this last option, but there is a wide range of Draft Actions that you can perform on your text. You can even write your own, as I did for my recent ‘data diet’ hack. This app might be my favorite on this entire list because it is so versatile.


2. Drafts


書き終えたメモは、Facebook、Twitter、電子メール、Evernote、Dropboxあるいはほかのテキストエディターなどほとんどのところへ送ることができる。筆者は多くの場合、最後のオプションを選択しているが、作成したテキストに対してさまざまなDraft Actionsを実行することができる。最近記事にした「data diet」で行ったように、自分自身のアクションを作成することもできる。Draftsは用途がとても広いので、このリスト全体の中で筆者が一番気に入っているアプリかもしれない。

jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

3. Nebulous Notes

Another powerful text editing tool is Nebulous Notes. I first discovered the power of what Nebulous could do be watching what Federico Viticci has done with it. Among my favorite features is the app’s ability to create a custom macros, which can be added as new keys on your software keyboard. Want a single button that will type you name? Can do. But there are functions far better than that of course, such as undo and redo, find text, and select text assist functions. Naturally, I use the macros functions to assist with Markdown input, but really you can use it however you wish.

Check out my video demo below for a quick and dirty overview.


3. Nebulous Notes

Nebulous Notesはもう1つの強力なテキスト編集ツールだ。Nebulous の機能の凄さに初めて気づいたのはFederico Viticci氏の記事を読んでからだ。筆者のお気に入りの機能の1つはカスタムマクロを作成し、ソフトウェアキーボード上に新たなキーとして追加できることだ。1つのキーを押すだけで自分の名前を入力することができる。もちろんアンドゥ、リドゥ、テキスト検索、テキスト選択アシスト機能などのさらに素晴らしい機能もある。当然ながら筆者はマクロ機能をMarkdownの入力支援に使っているが、ユーザーが好きなように利用することができる。


jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

5. Poster

For anyone who publishes with WordPress, as we do here on SD, you’re probably aware that it’s not the friendliest system to work with on a mobile device. But invariably I’ll need to access our site from mobile, sometimes to edit a post when I’m on the train or maybe just to make a late night edit when my MacBook isn’t nearby.

Poster is a great interface to WordPress, and it accepts Markdown input too which is pretty great. But I really just like it mostly because of its clean layout and design. Of course having access to custom fields is a big help too, as is the ability to add tags, categories, edit the permalink, and save as draft rather than publish live.


5. Poster



jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

While playing, it’s possible to exchange messages and stickers within Comm (including a number of special Talk Game-related stickers, a few of which are shown below):

In fact, the communication part is essential to the gameplay and a great fit for casino games (which are being played round by round and gives people time to interact with each other). I suggest visiting Comm’s Japanese product page and have a look at the Flash animation to see a demo.

Talk Game is currently live in the Japanese version of Comm only. All games are entirely free to play.

Apart from Line and KakaoTalk, DeNA’s app is also competing with apps like Kik, WhatsApp, WeChat, Cubie, or close rival GREE Messenger.


プレーをしながらComm内でメッセージやステッカー(Talk Game関連の特別なステッカー多数が含まれる。以下にその一部が表示されている)を交換することができる。


Talk Gameは現在、日本版のCommでのみ提供されている。ゲームはすべて無料でプレーできる。

このDeNAのアプリは、Line、KakaoTalkに加えKik、WhatsApp、WeChat、Cubieや好敵手ともいえるGREE Messengerと競合している。

jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

While you can sign up with your phone number apparently anywhere in the world, the new Jego service is actually more like Skype than newer social messaging apps because it has global calling plans. For example, a Jego user could sign up for unlimited calls to Hong Kong for $12 per month after buying credit. There are mobile and landline calling rates (see here) for 20 countries so far, such as $0.02 per minute for landline or mobile calls in Singapore. That makes Jego a lot cheaper than the gouging you’d get from most telcos on global calls – including on China Mobile itself – and makes Jego app comparable in affordability to Skype’s paid features.


世界のどこからでも電話番号を使って登録できるようだが、国際通話プランが提供されており、実際には新型のソーシャルメッセージアプリよりもSkypeに似ている。例えは、Jegoのユーザーはクレジットを購入し月額12米ドルで香港への通話がかけほうだいなプランに登録することができる。現在のところ20カ国の携帯および固定電話への通話料が表示されている(ここから見ることができる)。シンガポールの固定電話あるいは携帯との通話料は分あたり0.02米ドルだ。China Mobileを含む大半の通信会社の馬鹿高い海外通話料金と比べてJegoは極めて割安だ。Jegoは料金の手頃さでSkypeの有料サービスに匹敵する。

jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

That users wanted to share a deal on Save22 but was stopped by the store manager, her phone in hand, despite explaining that sharing deals on Save22 may bring more sales to store. To learn more about why she was stopped, Guyi met with the store’s CEO. The CEO explained that even though he understands that Save22 could help to improve sales he was reluctant to support the app. He believes that the shopper’s retail experience is not just about the lowest price. It also turns out that many other retailers are having the same thoughts. Guyi said in an email:

