ittetsu (ittetsu) Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ittetsu English → Japanese
Original Text

We do not assume that action sequences will never fail. Problems inherent to devices - malfunctions or misunderstandings between the user and Roadie - might emerge. Debugging consists of looking for the causes of unexpected results. For each step, we can show why the step is important, how the user can perform the step, what the consequences are of not doing this step, what the results are of performing it, and the things that might go wrong while trying to perform the step. If the user does not find this information sufficient to solve the problem, the system can automatically send queries to online search engines, user manuals, user group forums, etc.


デバイスに問題はつきものだ - 調子が悪かったり、ユーザーと Roadie の間で行き違いが起きることも、ありえるだろう。

ittetsu English → Japanese
Original Text

We are reaching a crisis with design of user interfaces for consumer electronics. Flashing 12:00 time indicators, push-and- hold buttons, and interminable modes and menus are all symptoms of trying to maintain a one-to-one correspondence between functions and physical controls, which becomes hopeless as the number of capabilities of devices grows. We propose instead to orient interfaces around the goals that users have for the use of devices.
We present Roadie, a user interface agent that provides intelligent context-sensitive help and assistance for a network of consumer devices.


時刻を示す 12:00 の表示の点滅、押して押さえつけたままにするボタン、長ったらしいモードとメニュー、これらは全て、機能と物理的操作の一対一の対応を保持するための試みの結果であり、これらは救いようの無いほどデバイスの能力の肥大化を招いていた。

Roadie を紹介したい。これは、インテリジェントに文脈に合ったヘルプを提供したり、消費者向けデバイスのネットワークのアシスタントとなる、ユーザーインターフェイスエージェントである。

ittetsu English → Japanese
Original Text

We attribute the growing complexity of consumer electronics interface design to the desire to maintain the one-to-one correspondence between functions and controls that worked well for simpler devices. But as the number of functions of a device grows, controls get overloaded, leading to heavily-moded interfaces, push-and-hold buttons, long and deep menus, and other confusing and error-prone interface elements. The next generation of consumer electronics devices will incorporate processing and networking, making things potentially more complex if we stick to manual operation, but also opening up new possibilities for automating co-operation between multiple devices.



ittetsu English → Japanese
Original Text

Roadie uses a Commonsense knowledge base to map between user goals and functions of the devices, and an AI partial-order planner to provide mixed-initiative assistance with executing multi-step procedures and debugging help when things go wrong.
Current consumer electronics are getting more and more complicated, threatening to outstrip the competence that can be reasonably expected from their intended users. For example, a typical consumer camera, the Canon S500, has 15 buttons, two dials, 4 x 2 mode switches, 3 menus of 5 choices in each mode, each with two or three values, 7 on-screen mode icons, etc.


Roadie はユーザーの目的とデバイスの機能とを対応させるためにコモンセンス・ナレッジベースを利用し、複数手順プロシージャ (multi-step procedures) と何かがおかしくなったときにデバッグヘルプ (debugging help) を実行する複合主導アシスタンス (mixed-initiative assistance) を提供するために AI 構成順序プランナー (AI partial-order planner) を利用する。
例えば、典型的な消費者向けカメラ、Canon S500 には、15個のボタンがあり、2つのダイアルがあり、4×2 のモード切り替えがあり、それぞれのモードには 5つの選択肢がある 3つのメニューがあり、それぞれが 2つか3つの値を持ち、7つのオンスクリーンのモードアイコンがあり… 等々である。

ittetsu English → Japanese
Original Text

We propose to re-orient the interface around the goals of the user, rather than the functions of the device. Something, then, has to map between the user’s goals and the concrete functions of the device. We propose to fill this gap with Roadie, an interface that makes use of Commonsense knowledge and a partial-order planner to give the user proactive advice, automate complex tasks, and provide debugging help when things go wrong.
It is not only the “normal operation” of the device that users need help with. There are other scenarios associated with consumer devices that users need help with.


このギャップを埋めるために私たちは Roadie を提案している。Roadie はコモンセンス・ナレッジを使うための、そしてユーザに気の利いたアドバイスを示し、複雑なタスクの自動化し、何かがおかしくなったときにデバッグ用のヘルプを提供する、構成順序プランナー (partial-order planner) へのインターフェイスだ。
これはユーザーが助けを必要とするデバイスの、"ふつうの操作" についてだけのものではない。ユーザーが消費者向けデバイスについて助けを必要とするシナリオは他にもある。

ittetsu English → Japanese
Original Text

The advent of powerful computing and communication in devices gives us the potential of providing help with these scenarios, as well as merely invoking functions of the device.In this paper, we present Roadie, a prototype consumer electronics interface oriented towards the needs of non-expert users. The project name comes from the person who is in charge of setting up the audio and video devices during music concert tours.
At the top of the interface are the suggested goals. When the user picks one of the options, the planner calculates a plan to reach the goal. The answer is mapped to English by the device interface, and rendered by the user interface, highlighting the action that is going to be executed next.


この文書において、私たちは Roadie を発表する。これは非エキスパートユーザーの要求に向けて構築された、家電インターフェイスのプロトタイプである。
インターフェイスのトップ画面として、いくつかの推測されたゴール (目的) が表示される。

ittetsu English → Japanese
Original Text

Displays Weather Forecast iconsSunny, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rainy or Snow- Displays current moon phase- Indoor and outdoor (up to 10 wireless sensors) temperature and humidity measurements- Measures temperature, humidity, wind chill, wind speed, wind direction, UV index (optional), barometric pressure and rainfall- Displays dew point, wind chill and heat index readings- Weather alert alarms for temperature, heat index, humidity, dew point, gust wind and rainfall rate- Automatically sets itself to the U.S. Atomic Clock- Includes 5-language softwareEnglish, Dutch, Italy, Spanish and French to store and view weather data on your PC via USB download- On-board Data Logger Function stores data with a time stamp-


天気予報アイコンを表示 - 晴れ、時々曇り、曇り、雨、雪
- 現在の月の満ち欠けを表示
- 室内と室外で気温・湿度を計測 (無線センサーは最大10個まで)
- 計測機能 - 気温・湿度・体感温度・風速・風向き・紫外線指数 (オプション)・大気圧・降雨量
- 表示機能 - 露点・体感温度と暑さ指標
- 天候の警告アラーム - 気温・暑さ指数・湿度・露点・突風・降水確率
- アメリカの原子時計へ自動的に調整
- 天候データを USB 経由でパソコンに保存/閲覧するためソフトウェアを 5言語で内蔵 - 英語・オランダ語・イタリア語・スペイン語・フランス語
- データをタイムスタンプと共に保存するデータログ機能をオンボードで搭載