ヒロ (itohiro) Translations

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Almost 4 years ago Male 20s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
itohiro English → Japanese
Original Text

These numbers are essential to enabling imports into the EU after the end of the transition period when the UK will no longer be trading as a Member State. The GB EORI number will no longer be accepted when importing goods into an EU Member State after the 1st January 2021.

We have a variety of countries to apply to, but in accordance with ECC rules, EORI numbers must be applied for in the country of establishment, or if not established in the EU, the first port of entry of goods in the EU.

Please note: you only need one EU EORI number to enable importation into all EU countries, and a second GB EORI number for imports into the UK after the transition period.


これまでのGB EORIナンバーは、2021年1月1日以降、EU加盟国に品物を持ち込む時の許可ではなくなります。


注意点:どのEUの国への輸送許可でも、一つのEU EORIナンバーで構いません。
そして脱退の移行が終わった後の、イギリスへの輸送のための2番目のGB EORIナンバーも同様に一つです。