Takashi Mochizuki (isaiah324) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Fujinomiya, Shizuoka
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
isaiah324 English → Japanese
Original Text

Most e-learning specs don’t require that runtime data be stored after a piece of content is completed. LETSI RTWS allows for attempt tracking, but this really isn’t anything close to what you can do with the Tin Can API.

The Tin Can API allows for everything to be saved in an LRS, and also allows for easy access to it. This opens up a whole new level of reporting detail. The LRS can query on any actor, verb or object that it wants to, or any combination of them. The amount of detail that can be pulled is only limited by the complexity of the statements that the activity generator chooses to generate. If the statements are more complex, then more data points are created.


大部分のオンライン学習のスペックは、あるコンテンツの終了後にランタイムデータが保存されるようには要求しないのです。LETSI RTWSは試行追跡を許すが、これはTin Can APIで実行可能なものとは程遠いと言えます。
Tin Can APIはすべてものがLRSの中に保存されるのを許すが、そこへのアクセスも簡単に許すのです。このことで詳細を報告するレベルを全体的に上げることになります。 LRSは対象の動作主(主語)、動詞 目的語、またはそれらの組み合わせというキーワードでの検索できるのです。引き出せる詳細の分量は、アクティビティー・ジェネレーターが生成するために選んだ文章の複雑さによってのみ制限されます。文章がもっと複雑になれば、もっと多くのデータ点が生成されるのです。

isaiah324 English → Japanese
Original Text

Ebay still not release your money so you still have to wait but I promis as sone the money is in my paypal account you get the 50 euro as promissed.
My paypal email is bad on ebay i made a mistake with not gmail.com but gmail.comn. Please stop te transaction and send the money to paypal marcohoedemakers@gmail.com for the mistake of mine you can take 100 dollar of from the total fee incl shipping
I hope you got my mail and stop the payment transfer and send it to marcohoedemakers@gmail.com than I can stop the claim. Ebay already nows about the problem and I like to close this problem. Like i wrote in the mail before because this is my mistake you can pay me not 360 but 260 for the problem.


あなたが私が送ったメールを受け取り、支払い振替を取りやめて、代わりに「marcohoedemakers@gmail.com」 に送金して下されば、請求を止めることができるのです。Ebayはすでに当問題を知っており、私としても早く決着をつけたいのです。以前メールにて書き送りましたように、今回は私のミスなので、あなたは私に360ではなく、260支払うことになるのです。