hm622 Translations

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Over 12 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hm622 English → Japanese
Original Text

Just Thinking Women Are Nearby Makes Men Dumber
If you often find yourself stuck for words in the presence of women, don't beat yourself up; we've all been there. But it turns out it's not you, it's science! Merely thinking about the presence of women makes men stupid.
A study from Radboud University in the Netherlands suggests that men start faltering and exhibit a decline in mental performance as soon as they anticipate interacting with women. Interestingly, though, women face no such problems.
To work that out, the researchers used something called a Stroop test—a psychological method to work out how well we process competing information.



hm622 English → Japanese
Original Text

Unfortunately for car companies, today's teens and twenty-somethings don't seem all that interested in buying a set of wheels. They're not even particularly keen on driving.
The Times notes that less than half of potential drivers age 19 or younger had a license in 2008, down from nearly two-thirds in 1998. The fraction of 20-to-24-year-olds with a license has also dropped. And according to CNW research, adults between the ages of 21 and 34 buy just 27 percent of all new vehicles sold in America, a far cry from the peak of 38 percent in 1985.

At a major conference last year, Toyota USA President Jim Lentz offered up a fairly doleful summary of the industry's challenge.


ニューヨークタイムズによると、2008年に運転資格のある19歳以下の若者たちのうち実際に運転免許を保有していたのは全体の半分以下で、1998年の調査の2/3ほどにまで落ち込んでいるという。また、CNW researchによると、21歳から34歳の成人は、アメリカで売られた新車のうちの27パーセントしか購入しておらず、これはピーク時の1985年の38パーセントという結果からはかけ離れたものであった。


hm622 English → Japanese
Original Text

The bays and headlands of this coastline once famed for its beauty were decimated.
Further south, a freighter still looms over Kesennuma town, carried several kilometers inland by the tsunami.
It is impossible to forget the horrors of a year ago, but the town is trying to move on.
A mini village has sprung up to rehouse businesses washed away.
Chefs and shopkeepers offer a taste of Kesennuma's once famed seafood.
Among them, Masayoshi Hatakeyama.
His traditional Japanese inn was entirely destroyed.
His new workplace may be cramped, but he says it is a first step on a very long road.
The tsunami destroyed a huge area so it would take a long time and hard work to get back to how it was before.

