英語はTOEIC930点, TOEFL iBT84点です. ネイティブに近い表現を心がけています.
Tech, IT, コンピュータ, 医学,生物学, 薬学などの専門分野も幅広く対応いたします.
Dear potential clients,
Thank you for checking my profile.
I began to work as a translator because my English and Japanese skills could be helpful for others.
I have studied both English and Japanese for more than 10 years.
As a proof of my English & Japanese skills, I have certifications below:
・TOEIC L&R Score 930 (April 2017)
・TOEFL iBT Score 84 (April 2016)
・The Japanese Language Examination 2nd grade (May 2011, World's youngest to be certified)
My major is medicine and I have confidence in my medical translation as well as general translation.
Japanese grammar might be difficult for non-native people and choice of words is very important to make sentences natural. Please trust my Japanese since I have studied a lot and have been certificated for my Japanese especially for honorific expression and grammar.
I pay a lot of attention in my translation and I am a responsible translator.
I always try to reply in 24 hours no matter it is weekday or not.
(Also, I am able to be a tutor if you would like to apply for universities or colleges in Japan. Since I have studied a lot for the entrance exam of medical school, I can teach English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Japanese, Ethics, Politics and Economy.)
Thank you for your attention.