headbanger Translations

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headbanger English → Japanese
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Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

Life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage -- it can be delightful.









headbanger English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Apple has a couple more new products to announce before the year is out, and it plans to unveil them in a few weeks time.

People familiar with Apple’s plans tell AllThingsD that the company will hold its next invitation-only event on Tuesday,October 22. The focal point of the gathering will be the latest updates to the company’s iPad line, but the new Mac Pro and OS X Mavericks will likely get some stage time as well, I’m told.

The fifth-generation iPad is expected to feature a thinner, lighter design akin to the iPad mini’s,and an improved camera. It will run Apple’s new 64-bit A7 chip.The second-generation iPad mini will be upgraded with a retina display and also likely see the A7 incorporated into its innards.



Appleの動きに詳しい人々がAllThingsDに語った情報によると、アップルの次の招待者限定のイベントは10月22日木曜日に行われるそうです。このイベントの焦点となるのはiPad製品のバージョンアップと思われますが、新型Mac ProとOSX マーヴェリックの発表も同様に注目を浴びるであろうとのことです。

第5世代iPadはiPad miniの様に更に薄く、軽いデザインと改良されたカメラの搭載を期待されています。
第2世代のiPad miniはレティナ・ディスプレイの搭載と、A7チップの内蔵が予想されます。

headbanger English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

It’s not clear whether Apple’s new iPads will feature the Touch ID fingerprint sensor that recently debuted on the iPhone 5s, though that has been rumored.

Sources declined to specify where the event is to be held, and I’ve not been able to confirm a location. My understanding is that it will not be held at the California Theatre in San Jose, the site of the iPad mini’s unveiling in 2012. That leaves Apple’s Town Hall Auditorium in Cupertino and the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco as the two most likely locations.

Worth noting: The date of Apple’s fall event coincides with both Nokia’s Innovation Reinvented showcase, and the retail debut of Microsoft’s new Surface 2 in the United States.



私は2012年にiPad miniの発表が行われたカリフォルニア州のサンノゼにあるカリフォルニア・シアターにて行われるであろうと推測しています。この場所と、クパティーノにあるアップルのタウンホール・オーディトリウムと、サンフランシスコのヤルバ・ブエナ・センターの2つが有力な候補でしょう。

注目に値する事実: 偶然にも、アップルの秋のイベントはノキアの新体制のイベントと、マイクロソフトの新しいSurface 2の小売店鋪での発表と重なります。

headbanger English → Japanese
Original Text

That event, according to DisplayTech, will see the introduction of an iPad mini with a Retina display. Such a device has been rumored since the release of the first iPad mini, but analysts disagree over whether Apple will be able to push out a new mini in time for the holiday season. Many have noted the difficulty of putting a battery capable of supporting a Retina display into the mini's small form factor, but Hsieh predicts the next generation of mini will feature a 2048x1536 display when it is unveiled.

Hsieh also says another long-anticipated iOS device will make an appearance next year, an iPhone with a 4.7-inch 1280x720 display.


DispayTechによるとこのイベントはレティナ・ディスプレイを搭載した新型iPad miniの発表があると考えられます。最初のiPad miniが発売された当初から噂のありましたが、専門家によるとこれから訪れるホリデーシーズンには間に合うかどうかというのには否定的です。たくさんの人がレティナ・ディスプレイに対応したiPad mini用のバッテリーの搭載が理由ですが、Hsieh氏は次の世代のiPad miniは2048x1536の解像度のディスプレイを搭載していると発表すると予想しています。


headbanger English → Japanese
Original Text

The DisplaySearch note points to not only one larger-screened iPhone, but two, with the second being a "phablet" device packing a 5.7-inch display outputting at 1920x1080. Those devices, the report predicts, will hits shelves in the fourth quarter of 2014. Putting a larger screen on Apple's bestselling device has been the suggestion of many analysts over the past year. While the iPhone is still the best selling smartphone on the planet, its competitors dwarf it in terms of screen size. Rumors saying a larger iPhone is in the offing regularly pop up, typically accompanied by an explanation of how the larger screen will help Apple push back against its competitors.

