haru Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
haru English → Japanese
Original Text

"When you wanted to look at issues unique to our company it was sometimes difficult to get the view of requested data, so we decided to move to a tool that we owned and that ran on our infrastructure so that we could get access to the necessary data on demand."

While the decision to install IBM TSRM for internal knowledge management capabilities was made before re-evaluating the outsourced help desk arrangement, installation of the tool proved fortuitous, Corbin acknowledges. "When we decided to bring service desk in-house, it uncomplicated the transition significantly because we didn't need to execute a transition of tool and data: that was already in place," he says.



当社の内部知識管理機能としてIBM TSRMをインストールすることの決定は外部のヘルプデスク装置の再評価、偶然証明されたツールのインストール前になされたとCorbinは認めた。「当社が社内サービスデスクを導入すると決定した時点で、すでにそこにあったツールとデータの移行を実施する必要がなかったので移行は大して複雑な作業ではなかった。」と彼は言う。

haru English → Japanese
Original Text

.Int’l 50 unit pricing on orders of 1-49 units, int’l 100 unit pricing on orders of 50-99 units and int’l 1000 unit pricing on orders of 100 units or more (excluding artprints, books, headphones, Healing Rhythms software, SleepsonicTM Pillows and videos)
.Actual shipping will apply for each shipping destination
.$5.00 handling fee will apply to drop shipment orders

1)Interstate Industries, Inc. dba Monroe Products (MP) agrees to grant HMSM the following special pricing considerations on orders shipped directly to HMSM or other destinations

These special considerations are due to economic concerns following the earthquake in Japan in March and become effective upon


・国際便で1ユニット~49ユニットの注文は50ユニットの金額、50ユニット~99ユニットが100ユニットの金額、100ユニット以上が1000ユニットの金額になります(版画、書籍、ヘッドフォン、Healing Rhythmsのソフトウェア、SleepsonicTM Pillow、ビデオは対象外です)

1)Interstate Industries, Inc. dba Monroe Products (MP) はHMSMが直接発送する注文又は他の送付先への注文についてHMSMが下記の特別料金事項を設けることを許可しています。


haru English → Japanese
Original Text

declared value

claim amount




haru English → Japanese
Original Text

Title: 26 Ways to Engage With Customers Using Video

Are you using video to connect with customers and prospects? Videos will enhance client communication and collaboration, and help support and drive new business.
In this post we’ll cover 26 ways you can engage and interact with your customers by using video in several different forms.
Like its predecessors in the five A-Z guides published here on Social Media Examiner—Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs and Lead Generation—we’ll cover a lot of territory and introduce solutions to give you ideas about where you may want to spend time exploring video options for your business.


