greene Translations

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Over 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
greene English → Japanese
Original Text

In a classical computer, information is represented in bits, binary digits, each of which can be a 0 or 1. Because they only have only two values, long sequences of 0s and 1s are necessary to form a number or to do a calculation. A quantum bit (called a qbit), however, can hold a value of 0 or 1 or both values at the same time — a superposition denoted as “0+1.” The power of a quantum computer increases exponentially with the number of qubits. Rather than doing computations sequentially as classical computers do, quantum computers can solve problems by laying out all of the possibilities simultaneously and measuring the results.



greene English → Japanese
Original Text

Taiwan’s iChef discloses $1.5M funding round from supermarket mogul

iChef, the Taipei-based startup that offers an iPad-enabled POS (point-of-sales) service for restaurants, has disclosed a US$1.5 million investment from Lin Ming-Hsiung, chairman of Pxmart, one of the island’s biggest supermarket chains.

While the round was closed last July, the company has not made it public until now. Pxmart’s current CEO Hsu Chung-Jen (who once served as the general manager of President Chain Store Corporation, a major food and retail conglomerate) also contributed to iChef’s seed-size round, but the company says it has no formal ties to the food vendor.



台湾ベースのスタートアップ企業であるiChefが、台湾最大手スーパーマーケット・チェーンのPxmart社Lin Ming-Hsiung会長から150万米ドルの投資を受けたと発表した。iChefは、iPad対応のPOS(ポイント・オフ・セールス)サービスをレストランに提供している。

投資自体は昨年7月に済んでいたものの、同社はこれまで開示していなかった。Pxmartの現CEOであるHsu Chung-Jen氏もiChefの初回資金調達に貢献しているが、iChefは食品業と正式なつながりはないとしている。(Hsu Chung-Jen氏は大手食品小売りのコングロマリットであるPresident Chain Store Corporationのジェネラルマネージャーを勤めた経歴を持つ)