Yuko Onishi (goodtranslation) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago Female
Tokyo, Japan
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
goodtranslation English → Japanese
Original Text

The judges asked if the upcoming iPhone app will be free, but there will be in-app purchases (perhaps video effects) that will help them make money. For B2B they plan to charge a monthly subscription.

Shinji noted that his service is particularly well suited for short YouTube videos, since people don’t want to use pro software for such videos. Shinji pointed out the market of YouTubers and Youtube celebrities, and also noted that the service could be used for Facebook video blogging as well.

This is a part of our coverage of Startup Asia Jakarta 2012, our startup event running on June 8 and 9. You can follow along on Twitter at @startupasia, on our Facebook page, on Google Plus, or via RSS.


来たる iPhoneアプリは無料かと審査員は尋ねたところ、in-app purchaseのアプリ内課金(おそらくビデオ動画エフェクト)で収益にできるようにする模様。 B2Bの企業間向けには月額使用料を課金。


こちらは6/8-9に開催の弊社スタートアップイベント、Startup Asia Jakarta 2012の報道記事の一部です。@startupasiaでツイッター、フェイスブック、Google+、RSSを通してもフォローができます。

goodtranslation English → Japanese
Original Text

They use a freemium business model, charging services for things like analytical tools. THey have three levels of services for different types of services. Daniel Saito pointed out the problem of having to identify and classify different tiers of businesses for in such a process.

The judges were pretty skeptical, and asked how they plan to acquire both users and service providers. The folks from Promoote acknowledged that this is indeed a sort of chicken and edge problem, but they noted that by partnering with some big fish services like laundrettes they can improve their visibility.


Promooteは分析ツールのようなものにサービスを課金するフリーミアムビジネスモデルを使用。それぞれのサービスタイプに応じて3レベルのサービスが用意されている。Daniel Saito氏はそのようなプロセスにおいて判別し異なるビジネス層に振り分けをしなくてはいけないことが課題であると言及。


goodtranslation English → Japanese
Original Text

Fellow judge Daniel Sato sticks in the knife, saying that the BlackBerry camera sucks, and he prefers the cameras on Android devices or the iPhone. Benjamin again adds: “You need to solve user acquisition.” On a final note, Andy Zain gives his expertise by saying that apps should be disruptive, not just filling a hole. Some “tough love” from the judges, notes our MC, Richard Robinson.

This is a part of our coverage of Startup Asia Jakarta 2012, our startup event running on June 8 and 9. For the rest of our Startup Arena pitches, see here. You can follow along on Twitter at @startupasia, on our Facebook page, on Google Plus, or via RSS.


特別審査員Daniel Sato氏がBlackBerryカメラはだめだ、カメラはアンドロイドかiPhone方が良いと切り捨てた。Benjamin氏も続いて、「あなたもユーザー獲得をなんとかしなくてはいけない」という。最後にAndy Zain氏がアプリは分断的であるべきで穴を埋めるものではないという専門家としての意見を述べた。審査員からはいくつかの愛の鞭ともいえる厳しい意見もいくつかあったと、弊社MCのRichard Robinson氏はいう。

これは6/8-9弊社開催のスタートアップイベント、Startup Asia Jakarta 2012の報道記事の一部です。残りのStartup Arenaのピッチの続きはこちらをどうぞ。@startupasiaでツイッター、ファイスブック、Google+、RRSを通してフォローもできます。