Notice of Conyac Termination

ゴンタマル (gontamaru) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gontamaru English → Japanese
Original Text

I was fired from Soka University of America, asked to leave the Board of Trustees, and have been the subject of an unpleasant campaign by the leaders of SUA and by the leaders of SGI-USA. I tell you these things candidly because I do not want to get you into trouble with people at SUJ or in other Gakkai organizations in Japan by publishing my writing on your website. Anything which advances the peace agenda and especially which helps to make the world understand better the vision of President Ikeda for a world at peace starting with each human being is something too precious to be marred by controversy surrounding one of your writers.


Soka University of America(アメリカ創価大学)から解雇されました。Board of Trustees(評議員会)から外れるよう勧奨され、SGI-USA(創価学会インターナショナル米国)の指導者たちとアメリカ創価大学の指導者からの不愉快なキャンペーンの標的にされてきました。私がこのことを率直に申し上げるのは、あなたのホームページに私が書いた文書のために、あなたがSUJ(創価大学)の人たちやその他の学会の組織とトラブルにならないように願っているからです。平和の課題を推進すること、特に、池田会長のビジョンである「一人一人の人間から始まる、平和な世界」をよりよく、世界の人々に理解してもらうのに役立つことは、とても尊いことなので、あなたの周りにいる書き手が引き起こす論争のために台無しにされてはなりません。

gontamaru English → Japanese
Original Text

I am astounded by your amazing generosity. I am so sorry that whoever supplied the box set took advantage of your generous disposition, and sincerely hope that you can in some way be remunerated for it. I would like to buy individual vinyl replica c.d.'s from the Rolling Stones' pre-70's catalogue, maybe even the full 60's box at some point, and hopefully I can do this with your company. For future reference, I assume I will have to pay a lot more than the (once again, amazingly generous) price you charged for this item. I think if you can't in all conscience go through each box with a fine tooth comb, (an act which a customer, as I'm sure you're aware, is likely to complain about),




gontamaru English → Japanese
Original Text

a price which leaves you a good profit margin that is below £500.00 for the 60's box probably means that it's not officially sourced.

This may sound presumptuous and even naive, because I really don't know anything about profit margins or business at all (as you well may have guessed!), so please excuse me if it sounds like I'm offering advice.
This e.mail is not in the form of a reply because I deleted the one containing your kind offer of a refund from my phone, and the one on my laptop then disappeared too, so I hope all this can be conducted with the proper attention to protocol,and, above all, to your satisfaction.





gontamaru English → Japanese
Original Text

You are obviously very considerate and helpful, and I'm sure you would not knowingly offer any merchandise for sale that is not the best you can offer to your customers. All your notes are delightful and the presentation of the Rolling Stones "In The 60's Collector's Box" is excellent. My only problem is that the item is not actually the official version of this box, something you could not know without opening it and looking at the individual c.d.'s and covers, and even then without some forewarning of what to look for as regards the official version, may not be aware of. The price I paid was very low, and this apparently is some indication of the possibility that it may not be the official version.

