trendo (gfendoni) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japan / UK
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gfendoni English → Japanese
Original Text

6. 10 Must-Have Tools for Entrepreneurs

For many entrepreneurs, the startup journey transforms them into more of a generalist than they likely were in a position at a larger company. This calls for specialized tools. The vocation-centric applications and programs no longer cut it.

Productivity is essential when you have a lot on your plate. Time is money, so when an app is able to help you do more faster, it becomes worth paying for. Other apps will streamline communication or collaborative processes and reduce the friction of working in tandem with team members.


6. 起業家に必要な10のツール



gfendoni English → Japanese
Original Text

7. 4 Ways to Budget Your Business Like a Pro

Nobody likes to talk about budgeting. Even more, budgeting is sort of a drag to do — but all can agree it’s incredibly important.

A few companies have launched software to make budgeting faster and easier. Plus, options for interaction with fellow entrepreneurs on sites like Twitter and Quora enables relevant feedback so you don’t pay excessive amounts for a service you don’t need. Read on to discover a few ways you can manage your company’s spectrum of debits and credits without too much stress.

Read the full story here.


7. 自分の事業にプロらしく予算を計上する4つの方法


予算をより早くより容易に計上できるソフトを発売している会社が何社かある。加えて、Twitterや Quoraといったサイトで起業家仲間と交流することを選べば、適切なフィードバックもらえ、不要なサービスに対して余計な金額を払わなくても済む。あまりストレスを感じずに、自分の会社の貸方と借方範囲を管理する方法のいくつかを知るには以下を読み進めるように。


gfendoni English → Japanese
Original Text

8. 8 Tips for Building Your Brand on the Cheap

When starting your business, we know there’s a lot to handle and think about. There’s your (growing) team, your intellectual property, product management and a pinched budget, all while you’re trying to navigate the waters of entrepreneurship.

But even without millions your brand can make an impression. All the free social media tools are a great start — Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest are key, but there’s more you can do to make an impression. We’ve rounded up eight ways to build your brand on the cheap — because there are more important things to spend money and time on, like your product and talent.

Read the full story here.


8. お金をかけずに自分のブランドを作り上げる八つの秘訣


けれども、何百万ドルもかけなくても自分のブランドを印象づけることはできる。 まず手始めに無料のソーシャルメディアツールがいいだろう。FacebookやTwitter、Tumbir、 Instagram、YouTubeそれから Pinterestなどははずせない。しかし、印象づけするには他にももっとやれることがある。自分の製品や能力といった、もっとお金と時間をかけるべき大事なものがあるのだから、自分のブランドを安上がりに作り上げる八つの方法をまとめてみた。
