gerbera Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gerbera English → Japanese
Original Text

Partial Deliveries
We have the right to make partial deliveries, as long as they do not cause unreasonable hardship for the customer. When partial shipments are made, additional shipping costs will apply only when prior agreement has been reached.

Retention of Title
The goods delivered remain our property until full payment has been received.

Cancellation Rights
You may withdraw from the sale within two (2) weeks without any justification, as long as you send your cancellation in writing (letter, fax, e-mail) or if you return the goods to us. If you are a professional buyer or freelancer the current statutory provisions for the return of goods shall apply.





gerbera English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

China Is The Place To Be For Serious Entrepreneurs

I first visited China at age 10 and since then I have been visiting the country pretty frequently — Fuzhou (where my family comes from originally), Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Beijing.

I must admit, I never really liked the country. I always thought it was kinda dirty with lots of spit everywhere on the streets. My brother and I would find all sorts of excuses to avoid going to China when we were younger.

But times have changed and the country has improved drastically. From a Singaporean perspective there are still many reasons to dislike it, especially the pollution in Beijing.




gerbera English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

To be fair, there are also many reasons to love China — specifically Beijing, especially if you’re an entrepreneur. The energy there is amazing.

For the most of this and last week, I have been hopping from café to café (usually with free Wi-Fi) for meetings. It is pretty common to see entrepreneurs pitching to investors or developers coding while drowning themselves in coffee at these cafés. Tech-related events, both in English or/and Chinese, are available to attend almost everyday. The atmosphere is awesome and for entrepreneurs in the tech space, it is easy to fall in love with Beijing.


公平を期すために言うが、中国を愛する理由もまた数多くある - 特に北京、とりわけあなたが起業家である場合は。北京のエネルギーは驚くべきものである。

gerbera English → Japanese
Original Text

I also met up with James Tan, a fellow Singaporean who made a bold move to set up 55Tuan with friends he met during his time at university. He stumbled upon a MBA scholarship at Qinghua and quickly grabbed the chance, seeing it as a good way to learn more about China as a student. That is obviously one of the best decisions he has made in life so far. 55Tuan, the service he started with Qinghua classmates, is now one of the largest group-buy sites in China and is poised for an IPO by the end of this year.

He told me that if we can spend 24 hours focusing on a small market, then why not spend the same amount of time on a large market?


私はまた、大学時代に会った友人と 55Tuan を設立するという思い切った一手を打ったシンガポール人の James Tan とも会った。彼は北京の清华(Qinghua)大学のMBAの奨学金制度をたまたま見つけ、すぐさまチャンスを握り、生徒として中国をより深く学ぶことが良い方法であると考えた。それは明らかに、彼がこれまでの人生で下した決断の中で最も良いもののうちの1つだった。清华(Qinghua)大学野クラスメートと共に初めた 55Tuan というサービスは、今や中国において最も大きな共同購入サイトの1つとなり、年末までのIPOに向けて準備中だ。