菱沼重義 (elephantrans) Translations

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About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

Social Games and Gaming Trends in Japan (Slideshare Presentation)

When Dr. Serkan Toto says something about Japan’s social gaming scene, we tend to listen, because he’s an expert with years of experience tracking the industry. If you’re interested in social gaming in Japan, you should be listening too, but just in case you’re not or in case you’re looking for a great, all-encompassing overview of Japanese social gaming’s status quo as well as some analysis of what’s trending and where (literally and figuratively) Japanese social games are going, we felt the need to share the deck of slides he posted to his blog yesterday.



Serkan Toto博士が日本のソーシャルゲームシーンについて何かを話す時、彼が長年にわたる業界の追跡経験がある専門家である為に、みんなが聞きたがる。もし日本のソーシャルゲームについて興味があるならば、あなたもまた聞くべきである。しかし、興味がないかまたは単に日本のソーシャルゲームのトレンド及びどこに(文字通り及び比喩的に)向かっているのかの分析と同様に、大雑把で限定のない現状の概観を求めているのであれば、昨日彼が彼のブログに投稿した “deck of slides”を共有する必要があると感じた。

elephantrans English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The Japanese language (I'd love to be able to speak it fluently:)
The culture of your land
The kimonos of your people (I'd love to be able to see how they are made and to know about their history. I know I can't wear one, not with this body shape, although I'd really want to:)
Bushido (I'd love to live according to it and show that although I'm physically weaker than some people, my mind is a strong one and I deserve the name "Warrior")
Japanese weapons and martial arts (especially katanas and Taijutsu) [The reason why is the same as in Bushido]
Mangas and animes about female warriors (Female warriors show that they can be deadly oponents and should never be taken lightly only because of their gender)



elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

MeetDoctor wants to improve healthcare through user engagement

MeetDoctor aims to improve the healthcare industry in Indonesia and beyond by providing a platform for information exchange and engagement.

Adhiatma Gunawan, an Indonesian medical doctor who graduated from Airlangga University, opened a private practice as a General Practitioner in his hometown Surabaya for around three years. In 2010 he decided to move to the Capital City Jakarta. In these two cities, he was frequently invited to become a speaker at various health seminars. Falling in love with the digital world has led him to an idea simply to converge healthcare with technology.




Adhiatma Gunawan氏は、アイルランガ大学を卒業したインドネシアの医師で、彼の故郷スラバヤで一般開業医として約3年間個人開業していました。2010年に彼は首都ジャカルタに移動することを決めました。これら二つの都市で、彼は様々な健康セミナーでスピーカーとして頻繁に招待されていました。デジタルの世界に魅せられた彼は、健康管理と科学技術を単純に合流させる考えに至りました。

elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

What encouraged you to play and scale up in this field?

Healthcare is something that people will always need and they will also seek for help in looking for the right services. We want to help the healthcare ecosystem by providing a digital platform where patients and health care providers to interact and be engaged.

We are very optimistic that MeetDoctor will be the solution for people to improve and maintain their health through our educational content, online consultation and other services that we are going to launch soon. While these are currently in Indonesia, hopefully one day we can extend our services to Asia.





elephantrans English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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While the app offers many features similar to other popular messenger apps such as animated stickers, and group messaging up to 100 members per group, location sharing, voice and video messages, it also offers doodling and YouTube video search.

Cubie has found a niche among females aged 18-35. Its doodling feature also helps set it apart from the other players. “The drawing feature is very popular, but most users find the app appealing because of the things that their friends draw or the way that they customise it, so the appeal is really unique,” said Feng to The Next Web in July last year.



Cubieは、18~35歳の女性に特有な分野を見つけた。その”dooling”機能は他のプレーヤーとの差別化を助長している。「描画機能はたいへん人気があります。しかし大部分のユーザーは、このアプリが彼らの友人が描く物またはそのカスタマイズする方法でアピールし、このアピールが本当にユニークなことを知ります。」昨年7月、Feng氏はThe NextWebにこう語った。

elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

The system to promote employment of disabled people started in 1976, first covering physically disabled people
It began to cover mentally disabled people in1998
From2006, employers have been allowed to count mentally ill people whom they have voluntarily employed among the number of disabled people on their payrolls
The number of disabled people employed under the system has set a new record annually for nine consecutive years, reaching 380,000 in fiscal2012

The obligatory employment system for the disabled works as follows: If a company is obligated to employ five disabled people in accordance with its size under the law, it must include physically or mentally disabled people or mentally ill people among the five


