菱沼重義 (elephantrans) Translations

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About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
elephantrans English → Japanese
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Between 2006 and 2013, Australia provided more than six times the amount of aid than China ($6.8 billion compared with $1.1 billion) to Pacific nations.

7.4 China – Niue Aid Partnership
China is on track to overtake Japan as the third largest donor to Pacific Island nations. In some countries. Since 2006 China has provided $1.4 billion in foreign aid to eight Pacific Island countries - the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Fiji, Niue, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Samoa, Tonga, and Vanuatu. In addition to its bilateral aid program and support for regional organizations, China also provides scholarships for Pacific Islands students and significant human resources training for government officials.



7.4 中国―ニウエ援助協力

elephantrans English → Japanese
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Premier Toke Talagi said Niue had managed to pay off up to US$4m of debt and had “no interest” in borrowing again, especially from big powers such as China that had offered the country “huge sums that other Pacific islands find too tempting to resist”.
We are trying to live within our means using the island’s natural resources such as tourism, bananas and exporting water,” Talagi told the Guardian.
On 1 December the pension for Niueans would rise from US$250 a fortnight to US$272, Talagi said – an increase of just under 9%. The government was also aiming to increase public servants’ wages in the next three to five years, to reach 80% of New Zealand rates.



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Original Text

RESULTS: The test had a major impact on “Add to Cart” clicks on Fab. Variation 2
increased conversions by 15% compared to the original and Variation 1, the larger
button with the clear call-to-action text, increased “Add to Cart” clicks by a staggering 49%. To reap the benefits from this insight immediately, Shane used Optimizely’s traffic allocation feature to push 100% of site traffic to the winning variation while Fab’s development team built the change directly into the site’s code. Shane is now closely monitoring changes in “Add to Cart” actions and conversions to develop follow-up tests
that will continue to improve the customer experience.



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6. The Foreign Relations of Niue
Niue conducts bilateral relations with other countries and interacts with the international community as an independent state. Despite self-rule, New Zealand manages its defence and foreign affairs on Niue's request. Like the Cook Islands, however, Niue has begun to establish formal diplomatic relations with sovereign states. As of September 2016, 21 other states maintain diplomatic relations with Niue. China's ambassador to New Zealand, Zhang Limin, is accredited to Niue, and became the first Chinese ambassador to present his credentials there in October 2008. 6.2 New Zealand – Niue Relations
Niue became a British Protectorate in 1900 and was annexed to New Zealand in 1901.



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In 1974 the people of Niue adopted a Constitution providing for self-government in free association with New Zealand. This is different from full independence. Under the Niue Constitution, New Zealand provides necessary economic and administrative assistance, and is responsible for Niue's defence and surveillance of its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Because Niueans are New Zealand citizens, they can work and study here without requiring special visas. About 24,000 Niueans live in New Zealand, compared to 1,460 living in Niue (2011 Census). The New Zealand Aid Programme works with Niue to develop its tourism industry and help the Niue Government to become more self-reliant.



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New Zealand is represented in Niue by the New Zealand High Commission, Alofi. Niue is represented in New Zealand by the High Commission for Niue, Wellington.
Recent official visits
 New Zealand to Niue
2017: In March the Governor General, Dame Patsy Reddy, visited Niue on her first official overseas visit, and held the investiture for Niue's Premier, Sir Toke Talagi.
2015: Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully visited Niue and announced a $NZ7.5m investment to grow tourism in Niue. 2014: Prime Minister John Key led a delegation to Niue as part of the Pacific Mission
2013: Governor-General Sir Jerry Mateparae and Lady Mateparae visited Niue for the 39th Constitution Day celebrations


2017年: 3月、総督デーム・パッツィ・レディー氏が彼女の最初の海外公式訪問先としてニウエを訪問し、ニウエの首相トケ・タラジ卿の叙任式を挙げた。
2015年: 外務大臣ミューレイ・マッカリー氏がニウエを訪問し、ニウエの観光産業の育成の為750万$NZの投資を公表した。
2014年: 首相ジョン・ケイ氏太平洋ミッションの一部としてニウエへの代表団を率いた。
2013年: 総督ジェリー・マテパラエ卿とマテパラエ婦人が、ニウエの39回目の憲法記念日の祝賀行事の為訪問した。

elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

2014: Premier Toke Talagi met with Minister Chris Finlayson in Wellington to discuss Niue’s participation in World War I commemorative events
August 2013: Premier Toke Talagi met Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully before the announcement on changes to New Zealand’s pension portability policy for Realm countries
April 2013: Ministers Vaaga Tukitonga and Talaititama Talaiti represented the Niue Assembly at the Pacific Parliamentary and Political Leaders Forum in Wellington
March 2013 Premier Toke Talagi attended the Pacific Energy Summit in Auckland and met Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully
Note: Niue's Premier and ministers often visit New Zealand in transit or on private travel.


2014年: トケ・タラギ首相は、第一次世界大戦の記念行事へのニウエの参加について協議する為ウエリントンでクリス・フィンレーソン大臣と会談した。
2013年8月: トケ・タラギ首相は、ニュージーランドの領域国内での共通年金政策への変更の発表に先立ち、外務大臣ミューレイ・マッカリーと会談した。
2013年4月: バガ・ツキトンガとタライテタマ・タタイテ大臣はウエリントンでの太平洋議会及び政治指導者フォーラムでニウエ議会の代表を務めた。
2013年3月: タケ・タラギ首相は、オークランドでの太平洋エネルギーサミットに参加し、ミューレイ・マッカリー外務大臣と会談した。
注意: ニウエの首相や大臣はトランジットやプライベートな旅行でニュージーランドを度々訪れている。