chiyo Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chiyo English → Japanese
Original Text

Since communication is such an important part of life, a new app called ‘ICANSIA American Accent for Chinese Speakers’, available on the Apple App Store, has been released to help people understand each other better. The app teaches you how to speak with a more natural American accent using speech training techniques and exercises. The accent coaching market is not very widely known, but apparently it is in demand from business people, people that want to adapt to a new country and of course actors. Perhaps it would suit Chinese students who are preparing to study in America and want to assimilate faster.


コミュニケーションは日常生活でとても重要な役割を果たすので、“ICANSIA American Accent for Chinese Speakers”と呼ばれる、アップルアプリストアで利用可能な新しいアプリはお互いをより理解するのに役立つために発売されました。そのアプリはスピーチの技術訓練や練習をしながら、より自然なアメリカのアクセントを教えてくれます。そのアクセントはあまり広く知られていませんが、明らかにビジネスマンや、新しい国に適応しようとする人、もちろん俳優にとっても必要とされています。もしかすると、アメリカで勉強をしようと準備をしていて、早くその文化を理解しようと思っている中国の学生にこのアプリは合っているかもしれない。

I really hope it will help. Thank you.

chiyo English → Japanese
Original Text

Hello and greetings to you, my dear customers. I am delighted to welcome you to my eBay store.We specialize in making excellent top rated violins, violas and cellos. Our craftsmen have learned their skills from experienced masters, with more than ten years experience making violins and string instruments. We make all the instruments with only first class materials. We use the best traditional violin-body making techniques to guarantee professional top quality violins which sound rich and resonate beautifully. We adopt a semi-oily lacquer made by an ancient method to manufacture all our string instruments, which provides a pleasant and melodious timbre from our violins, violas and cellos.


いらっしゃいませ。 eBayにようこそ。私たちはとても人気のある素晴らしいバイオリン、ビオラ、チェロ作りを専門としています。私たちの職人たちは熟練した職人から彼らの技術を学び、バイオリンや弦楽器を作るのに10年以上の経験があります。私たちは最高級の材料だけですべての楽器を作っております。豊かに美しく鳴り響く、本格的で最高質のバイオリンを保証するために、一番いい伝統的なバイオリンのボディを作る技術を使っています。昔から受け継いできた方法で作られたややオイリーな漆を使い、私たちのすべての弦楽器は作られます。そのため、私たちのバイオリンは心地の良い美しい音色を奏でてくれます。


chiyo English → Japanese
Original Text

At 3 months, baby begins to transition from a newborn and by 4 months, many noticeable developmental milestones are beginning to appear. Some of the information below covers a range of developmental milestones that span the period of 2 to 6 months. Baby development is continual and each little one has his or her own pace, so read on for more information about this wonderful time in baby's life.

Vision: Baby's eye muscles are stronger and the “cross-eyed” effect is disappearing. Babies this age can track objects in motion. Beginning around 4 months, baby's vision will coordinate both eyes together, which leads to the beginning of depth perception.


