chipange Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chipange English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

(1) It was earlier finish, but i found it not. Crazy days between the years.
(2) Yes, i download already the cover and will work on it. I think it will be well.
(3) No problem. I have a other cover, a other track list and we are in Germany and it is already 7 years ago. No problem! I think our fans will not know your album, because Diventa did the first digital release in 2007 and we founded in 2006. ;-) Really no problem.
Also some labels take album 1:1 and release it again. This is possible. In iTunes will see fans what they download already and what not. all is well!


iTunes でファンが、どれをダウンロードしたか、してないかが分かります。

chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Alibaba’s Mobile Social Network? Quietly Launched

It’s not the first time for Alibaba trying to enter the social network. Taojianghu is its first product with serious interest in social networking. It makes sense for Alibaba’s eCommerce business as Taojianghu is built around Taobao, in other words, it’s meant to be a social eCommerce platform. The bad news is that Taojianghu has not gone really social at all, still.

However, Alibaba did not give up the social network market. Today, a new social networking site is quietly launched, and the domain is registered by Alibaba.


アリババのモバイルソーシャルネットワークか? 、こっそり開始

アリババがソーシャルネットワークに参入するのは初めてのことではない。タオジアングはソーシャルネットワークに深くかかわる始めての製品である。 タオジアングはタオバオの周辺に立てられるのだから、アリババのイーコマースビジネスには意味のあることだ。 言い換えれば、それはソーシャルイーコマースのプラットフォームになるということだ。タオジアングは実際にはまるでソーシャルとなっていないのは残念だが。

しかしながら、アリババはソーシャルネットワーク市場をあきらめていなかった。今日新しいソーシャルネットワーキングサイトである が静かにこっそり開始され、アリババはドメインを登録した。

chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Our 2 other Wholesale customers are individuals and not companies. Both together have ordered ~150 units in 2011. Please note that none of those customers has received the XXX as of yet! (they were working with ZZZ so far... see link below).

To my understanding, both people deal the units locally in their buildings (both are Kaisha-jins). Maybe one of them posts online in a Japanese Auction site (like eBay) but I have not been able to find any online listings myself.

Like I said in my previous email... I don't think these guys pose any competition to you. However, for the moment I would feel bad about cutting them off completely. They have been very patient waiting for the new item to be finished.


我々の他の2つの卸売業は個人であり会社ではありません。2011年においては両者から150ユニットほど注文を頂きました。この両方の顧客は現時点では、なんと、まだXXXを受け取っていません!(彼らはZZZと取引をしています。 以下のリンク見てください。)

