chipange Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Wonder Girls' Hye Lim Reveals School Dance Party Picture from Her Student Days
Wonder Girls's Hye Lim recently revealed a picture from her student days. Hye Lim uploaded the picture on her me2day with the caption Dance party when I went to school in Hong Kong I remember the memories on January 21.
In the picture, Hye Lim has long, straight hair while smiling and putting her hand up to pose the V sign. She portrayed a pure beauty while displaying a variety of charms with her navy top and white pants.
Netizens who saw the picture commented, Wow you look the same as now!!, I was able to spot you right away unnie hehe
Meanwhile, Wonder Girls's American TV film, “The Wonder Girls” will air on Teen Nick February 2.


ワンダーガールのHye Limが学生時代の頃のスクルールダンスパーティの写真

ワンダーガールズのHye Limは最近彼女が学生時代の頃の写真を公開した。Hye Limは写真に、「1月21日私が香港の学校に行った時のダンスパーティの思い出」とコメントを付けて彼女のme2dayにアップロードした。
写真の中のHye Limは、長いストレートヘアーで、微笑みながらピースサインをしている。ネイビー色の上着と白いパンツ姿の彼女は本当に美しい。写真を見たネチズンは、“ワオ、今も変ってないね。直ぐに君だって分かったよ。unnie hehe”
間もなくワンダーガールズのアメリカのテレビ映画“ワンダーガールズ”が2月2日にTeen Nickで放映予定です。

chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 88-2
In April 1996, for example, Wired magazine supplied its readers with a tourist guide to the world wide web entitled 'On hating Microsoft'. Every site listed was devoted to venting anger and other strong negative sentiments about Microsoft and Gates. One site, proclaiming itself the 'Bill Gates Fun Page', offered a photograph of the Microsoft CEO with two Devil's horns added to his head. Gates haters were directed to choose from a selection of lethal weapons including a knife, a handgun, and an Uzi machine gun, that could be turned on his image by a simple click of the mouse. Weird as it is, this was just one of the many bizarre forms that anti-Microsoft sentiment has taken over the years.


PAGE 88-2

chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 87-2
'The amount of press attention is not consistently linked to size: Microsoft and its chairman receive attention that exceeds all personal computer companies combined', notes Randall E. Stross. 'Even though in 1996, Intel's earnings were exactly double those of Microsoft - $3.6 billion versus $1.8 billion, ranking Intel seventh in highest profits of all corporations versus Microsoft's position of 29th.'

The somewhat overdue launch of Windows 95, for example, was one of the most written about events in commercial history. The launch of Vista in January 2007 was blogged live around the world and was still kicked off by Gates, despite his reduction of duties.


PAGE 87-2
プレスからの注目度は規模にリンクしてない:マイクロソフトと同社の社長の注目度は、すべてのパーソナルコンピューター会社を合わせた注目度を超えているとRandall E. Strossは語る。


chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 87-1
Bill Gates has always had a love/hate relationship with the media. On the one hand, he seemed to enjoy the attention that greeted his every pronouncement on the future of technology. But he also seemed genuinely mystified by the negative publicity that Microsoft attracted during his tenure as CEO.

In countries outside of the US, a visit by Gates was often afforded the same sort of attention as a visit by a head of government, and indeed despite his shift away from Microsoft responsibilities, it often still is. Politicians still love to be photo-graphed in his company. And if Microsoft doesn't benefit quite so much from this publicity these days, it certainly used to.


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