LIZ (chiffon) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chiffon English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.5
Original Text

A/B testing is getting cheaper, and startups should take advantage

Until recently, A/B testing was a service usually restricted to the big companies who could afford it. But at last month’s China Axlr8r Demo Day, accelerator graduate Splitforce showed off a solution for small- and medium-sized mobile app developers to incorporate a lightweight A/B testing SDK into their products. It’s free for apps with up to 1,000 daily active users. The ability to test two variants simultaneously (e.g. a red button and a blue button appear in the same app on two different phones) and real-time analytics are what Splitforce hopes will differentiate it from its fellow budget competitors.



つい最近まで、A/Bテストは費用がかかるため大企業のみに限定されたサービスであった。しかし、先月のChina Axlr8r Demo Dayでaccelerator出身のSplitforceは小中規模のアプリ開発者が簡易版のA/BテストSDKを商品に組み込める方法を提示した。一日のアクティブユーザが1,000人未満のアプリには無償で提供される。Splitforceは2つのバリアントの同時テスト能力(例えば、同じアプリを立ち上げた2つの携帯電話に赤と青のボタンが表示されるなど)とリアルタイムの分析で、競合他社との差別化を狙っている。

chiffon English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Dear Suzuki,

Hello. I am writing to update you about your order. We will soon finish everything. Here are a few photos of the prodcuts as we are starting to checking them.

We just received the cinnamon boxes from the village. Most of them are very good. The village made a change in the candle holders and and added some more holes to the pattern. It means that more light can come out. Can you please review the photos? Please let me know if this is OK for you. I am sorry that the designs is not exactly the same as the sample. This a problem that can happen when we work with village artists. Thank you.






