2113. 日本の冬の定番、カニ料理を食すカニ料理と言えば、冬が旬と言われているが実際は若干違う。北海道や北陸の日本海側の地域などから12月をピークに多くの量が全国に配送されているためその印象が強いが、実際の味覚がおいしい時期はカニの種類によっても若干のずれはある。ただ、12月から1月の時期で最もカニが消費されることから、日本ではこの時期にカニを食べるのがある意味定番になりつつある。
2113. Having crab cuisine is typical for winter in Japan.It is usually said that winter is the season for crab cuisine, it’s actually not exactly right. It has that strong image because December is the peak time with large amount of crab being delivered from Hokkaido, Hokuriku and other area on the side of Japan Sea. But the timing when it taste the best is slightly different depending on the species of crab.It’s just that the amount of crab is being consumed the most during December to January, in a way that’s the reason why it is said that having crab cuisine is typical for winter in Japan.
In addition, during the New Year time (beginning of a new year in January), a lot of shops are selling “Lucky Bag”, it is a bag that filled with unknown random contents and merchants sell them for a substantial discount. For example, a “lucky bag” that is selling for JPY 10,000.00, it contains products with value of JPY 30,000.00 as compensation that you don’t know exactly what is inside the bag. “Unknown Random” x “Great Deal” it adds some excitement while enjoying your shopping. Contents of a Fashion Brand “Lucky Bag”Contents of a “Lucky Bag” from a home electronic store