Thank you for your response.The goods I returned had an additional $70 processing fee at the time of purchase, and despite requesting the return of this fee as well, I have only been refunded the price of the goods themselves.I manage an internet shop in Japan, and many goods manufactured by your company. I would like to continue this relationship with your business, but I am quite unsatisfied with how this issue has been dealt with.First, please exemplify good business etiquette by returning the $70 processing fee to me.Thank you very much.The previous price of the item was $ oo, but now the price has changed to $ oo.Because the price is higher than the price offered by oo, I cannot make this purchase.
Greeting, I am the manager of a company located in Chiba Prefecture, Japan.As a part of our new business plan, we plan to create a website oriented towards small to medium sized companies in Japan. In order to do this, we are seeking Japanese to English translators. The profile of our ideal candidate is as follows:- Applicant must be able to read Japanese, and write in English at a native level.- Applicant must agree to a $2.00 to $4.00 hourly wage.- An applicant with experience studying in Japan is preferred. The main responsibility of this position is to translate our company site from Japanese to English.