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ダイアモンド (blackdiamond) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

1. After installing the battery, press button ON/OFF for 3 seconds, the machine will be on or off.

1.Long time exposure to the following places will lead to the damage of the machine:
a. exposure under the sunlight
b. high temperature or humid situation
c. erosive circumstance
d. close to the magnetic piece
2. Avoid rough handling and heavy operation.
3.Please use clean and soft fiber to maintain the machine, no use of water or chemical liquid.
4. lf the machine is in abnormal status during the operation, get out off the battery for 30 seconds, afterwards install it again.
5.When the display is not clear, change the battery with a new one.
6.Please take the battery out when not use for a longtime.


1. バッテリーのインストール後に、ON/OFFボタンを3秒間押すと、機器の電源はオンオフになります。

a. 直射日光の下
b. 高温または多湿の状態
c. 腐食環境
d. 磁石の近く
2. 手荒な取り扱いおよび激しい操作は避けて下さい。
4. 操作中に機器が異常な状態になった場合は、 バッテリーを30秒間取り外し、再度インストールしてください。

blackdiamond English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Baidu-backed Codoon Launches Second-Generation Bracelet, Goes Open Source

Codoon, a Chinese wearables maker supported by Baidu Cloud, unveiled the new generation of its wristband today. Updates include bluetooth 4.0 support for iOS (Android support will be added later) and a LED display. The price is RMB399 ($65).

It introduced a virtual currency system, by partnering with Taikang Life Insurance, that rewards active users with virtual currency or physical items.

Apart from the wristband, Codoon’s product line include a couple more gadgets. Codoon claims the mobile app, which was launched long before the the wristband and other gadgets, has had 10 million users in 54 countries and regions.



Baidu Cloud支援の中国のウェアラブルメーカーCodoonが新世代のリストバンドを本日公開した。アップデートにはiOS向けのbluetooth 4.0のサポート(Android向けは後に追加予定)およびLED表示が含まれる。価格は399人民元(65米ドル)。

Taikang Life Insurance との提携によるバーチャル通貨システムを導入、アクティブユーザにはバーチャル通貨と実商品が得られる。


blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

WeChat Launched Voice Open Platform and Speech Recognition SDK

WeChat’s Voice Open Platform went live last night that would enable third parties to add speech-based features to their Official WeChat Accounts, or WeChat accounts for businesses or organizations.

The platform was announced half a month ago and now only offers speech recognition SDK for iOS and Android. One developer currently is allowed to register up to ten WeChat-based applications.

Third parties like China’s Merchants Bank and Tencent’s own services, QQ Music and Soso Maps, have integrated speech recognition and speech-to-text capabilities into their WeChat accounts.


WeChat、Voice Open Plarform およびSpeech Recognition SDKをローンチ

昨晩からWechatが提供し始めたVoice Open Platformは、サードーパーティがスピーチ・ベースの機能をそのOfficial WeChat Accounts、または企業向または組織向けのWeChatアカウントに追加することを可能にするものだ。


中国のMerchants Bank のようなサードパーティ、ならびにTencentの自身のサービスであるQQ MusicおよびSoso Mapsがすでに音声認識および音声テキスト変換機能をそのWeChatアカウントに組み込んでいる。

blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

The challenge today is tracking a customer who uses Glamour Sales via their phone in the morning, an ipad in the afternoon and desktop computer in the evening. Moreover, their use of social networks is changing all the time. Last year Weibo was clearly the dominant SNS platform in China and now this year its Wechat. A few years ago Google was still in China, now its gone! So tracking customer engagement, comments and buying etc. across multiple devices and platforms, to interact with her according to what she wants, through the channel she wants, when she wants while presenting a consistent Glamour Sales experience is critical.


今取り組んでいるのは、朝は携帯で、昼間はipadで、そして夜はデスクトップでといったGlamour Sales を利用している顧客の調査だ。しかも、顧客の使用するソーシャルネットワークは常に変わっているのだ。昨年まではWeiboが中国では主要なSNSプラットフォームであったが、今年はWechatである。数年前はGoogleがまだ中国にあったのに、現在は存在していないのだ! 顧客と交流するためには、顧客が望んでいるもの、望んでいるチャンネルを通して、望んでいるときに照らして、一貫してGlamour Sales経験を提示しつつ、様々な端末やプラットフォームを介した顧客の関心事、コメント、購買などを調査することが重要なのだ。

blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

3. The home-owner will then select the best contractor. Besides the price, home-owners can look through their portfolios on their profile pages to evaluate the best firm for the job. Contractors’ profiles will contain their qualifications, photos of previous work, and ratings (in terms of value, reliability and quality) given to them by previous Kluje users.

By rating contractors, Kluje aims to create an industry standard where the larger community of home-owners can rely on. With over 9,000 registered and an estimated 4,000 unregistered contractors, Kluje will filter out the quality contractors, allowing them to build their online reputation and win even more work.


3. 住宅所有者はその後ふさわしい請負業者を選ぶ。住宅所有者は、価格以外に、その改築にふさわしい業者を査定するために、そのプロフィール・ページ上でポートフォリオを調べることができる。請負業者のプロフィールには、資格、これまでの仕事の写真、およびKlujeユーザーによる、コスト、信頼性および品質に関する評価が含まれている。


blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

The comma separated list (CSL) is a data format originally known as comma-separated values (CSV) in the oldest days of simple computers.
In the industry of personal computers (then more commonly known as "Home Computers"), a common use was small businesses generating solicitations using boilerplate form letters and mailing lists
CSL/CSVs were used for simple databases. Some early software applications, such as word processors, allowed a stream of "variable data" to be merged between two files: a form letter, and a CSL database of names, addresses, and other data fields. Many applications still have this ability.



blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

Chunyuyisheng, Mobile Health App, Released 4.0 Version

Chunyuyisheng, a mobile health app, unveiled 4.0 version which integrates the previous inquiry and disease searching functions into a searching engine (report in Chinese).

The searching results include information of different diseases, nearby doctors, therapeutic methods, and Q&A.

Since lots of patients ask similar questions, Chunyuyisheng established a searching engine with new algorithm and rich data, helping users to diagnose their symptoms based on previous questions. For example, the service will list 51 similar questions according to their relevance degree defined in terms of gender, age, and inquiry content.






blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

Zhaozhao Bets on People/Pet Tracking Market in China

An average of 200 thousand Chinese kids from 0 to 14 years old that got lost every year. More than 4 million messages on Sina Weibo, the most popular micro-blogging platform in China, are for searching for lost pets. Zhu Liqiang mentioned those numbers to justify Zhaozhao, a gadget his company is working on.

The accompanying iOS/Android app can track down whoever carrying the smaller-than-palm gadget, kids, seniors or pets, locating where they are and saving all the data onto the cloud platform which is powered by Baidu Cloud. You can see the surroundings of it at any given time, which is powered by Soso Streeview.



0から14才までの平均20万人の中国人が、毎年行方不明になっている。中国で最も人気のマイクロ・ブログ・プラットホーム、Sina Weiboに寄せられる400万を越えるメッセージが、行方不明のペットを捜すためのものだ。Zhu Liqiang氏は、彼の会社が取り組んでいるツール、Zhaozhaoを正当化するために、それらの数字に言及した。

付属のiOS/Androidにアプリは、子供、シニア、そしてペット至るまで、手のひらよりも小さいツールを携帯している人であれば誰でも、その居場所を突き止め、Baidu Cloudが提供するクラウドプラットフォーム上へすべてのデータを保存する。いつでもその周辺を見ることができ、その機能はSoso Streeviewが提供する。