ダイアモンド (blackdiamond) Translations

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About 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text


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Could you please specify what you mean by "change the debit account"?

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- ブラウザーはMozilla Firefoxをご使用ください。
- ブラウザーのキャッシュとクッキーを削除ください。


"change the debit account"が何を意味しているのか明確に書いてもらえますか?


blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

We will be enhancing our valuation reporting procedures to provide you with more direct ability to enter the prices paid for merchandise shipped to your MyUS suite address.
We will research the value of merchandise that arrives with no merchant invoice or with a merchant invoice that does not indicate the price you paid. If the values we assign as a result of our research do not reflect the actual price you paid, you may choose to edit the values from your inbox prior to shipping. In some cases, we may need you to provide the actual merchant invoice or purchase receipt in order to make the adjustment.
The value you choose to enter should be the true and accurate price that you paid for the merchandise.




blackdiamond English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Epidemiologic estimates of the prevalence of GERD are based primarily on the typical symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation. A systematic review found the prevalence of GERD to be 10 – 20 % of the Western world with a lower prevalence in Asia. Clinically troublesome heartburn is seen in about 6 % of the population.
Regurgitation was reported in 16 % in the systematic review noted above. Chest pain may be a symptom of GERD, even the presenting symptom. Distinguishing cardiac from non-cardiac chest pain is required before considering GERD as a cause of chest pain. Although the symptom of dysphagia can be associated with uncomplicated GERD, its presence warrants investigation for a potential complication.



blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

This is a brand new never been used out of the box vitamix. No cookbook no cd no tamp. Blender mortar and pitcher with tip. Everything pictures. Tamps are 12 bucks through vitamix. Free two day shipping with tracking.

Pre-set programs for making smoothies, frozen desserts, soups and purees make the 750 the most versatile Vitamix yet. Its low, wide shape allows it to blend faster, finer and more efficiently—and fit on under-cabinet counters better. It's also the most powerful blender on the market today and boasts a 64-oz capacity, bringing true professional performance to the home kitchen.
Five pre-set programs: Smoothies, soups, frozen desserts, purees and wash.




blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

Our supplier claims this is the new iPad 5 Screen/Digitizer:

- The display area is the same as the iPad Retina.
- The edges of the frame are narrower using the same style as the iPad mini.
- The ITO (Indium tin oxide) is the same as the iPad mini.
- There is now 2 connectors instead of 1.
- The connectors have been changed from FFC (Flat Flexible Cable, like the iPad 2/3/4) to FPC (Flexible Printed Circuits, like the iPhone 4/5).

Stamped on the front panel is a part number of 821-1892-02, which matches the format used by Apple on many of its iOS device components.

Apple is expected to introduce the fifth-generation iPad as soon as next month, with an updated iPad mini rumored to be following fairly soon after.


われわれのサプライヤーは新しいiPad 5 のスクリーン/デジタイザーについて次のように主張しています。

- ディスプレイの面積はiPad Retinaと同じです。
- フレームの端部は、iPad miniと同じスタイルで狭くなっています。
- ITO (酸化インジウムスズ) はiPad miniと同じです。
- コネクターは1つではなく2つあります。
- コネクターはFFC (iPad 2/3/4のフラットフレキシブルケーブル) から(iPhone 4/5のフレキシブルプリントサーキット)に変更です。

フロントパネルに押された部品番号821-1892-02は、Appleが多くのiOS デバイス部品で使用するものと一致しています。

Appleは、第5世代iPadを来月にも発表すると期待されており、新型iPad miniもその後すぐに続くと噂されています。

blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

A report from early January stated that Apple’s next-generation iPhone 5S would launch later this year with several new color options. As time marched on and new details came to light surrounding the upcoming entry-level iPhone expected to debut next month with five color options, that initial report was dismissed. Several indications remain that Apple may introduce at least one new color option when the iPhone 5S launches next month though, and new leaked images of purported iPhone 5S parts could be the latest clue.

Back in May, BGR exclusively published several high-quality images of parts that will be included in Apple’s upcoming iPhone 5S.


1月初旬のレポートには、Appleの次世代iPhone 5Sは、数色のオプションで今年中に発表されるだろうと記載されていました。時が過ぎ、次期エントリーレベルのiPhoneが5色のオプションで来月にもデビューするという環境が詳細に明らかになってくると、あの初期のレポートは消えてしまった感があります。来月のiPhone 5Sの発表の時に、Appleは少なくとも新しい色をオプションで発表するかもしれませんが、それには新しく漏れてきたiPhone 5S向けの部品が鍵となりそうです。

5月に遡り、BGRは、Appleの次期iPhone 5Sに含まれる部品についてクオリティの高い数枚の写真を独占的に公表しました。.