Notice of Conyac Termination

bemaxer Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
bemaxer English → Japanese
Original Text

Please say me what you prefer : do I have to write in English or in French ?

About the bags I will do my best. I realized that it's a problem of custom. You will buy bags by internet, I shall receive them by Post, I shall put each one in a solid post packet and note on the custom card stucked on the packet that it's a gift. Is that right ?

You can be in total confidence. I shall do it for free, to accomodate you. You will pay the fees of the post after you received your bags. I will do it twice, 2回 not more please.

I understand very well that you cannot be confident with me. I do not care about this.
I think it's better that you wait until Tomoe come to France.

Good evening ! The baby is wonderfull !






さようなら! そのバッグはすばらしいです!

bemaxer English → Japanese
Original Text

ates are not terrible, it will take time I think to find a good shop or a good supplier,

from somewhere else, for the shoe size you request I will do our best to get a good deal, but considering that it represents the sum I do not expend as little indeed in France, the average salary rises to 1200 € so you will understand that I can not expend a sum like that in shoes! I will have to make the payment by paypal at the appropriate time, support with photo course! :-)

I think that we must establish a relationship of trust, I am not here to steal.

when you find items at great prices tell me, I'll be sending all that suceptible to interest me, if you find a shop in town or another provider.






bemaxer English → Japanese
Original Text

I thought I had emailed you but either I didnt or it didnt go through. Either way terribly sorry, The amp is still waiting on the face place. I got the wrong plate in and am waiting on the correct one to come in. They sent me a faceplate for a 6400, instead of the 6100. I dont know whose mistake that was but I sent the other one back and am waiting on the right one. I am sorry its taking so long. I can send it to you and let you take care of the faceplate issue as we discussed originally, if you dont want to wait any longer. I know its frustrating and its all on me for the crack and it not being ready yet. I will proceed as planned unless you advise otherwise. Thanks and sorry for everything.



bemaxer English → Japanese
Original Text

I would like you to beware that once our current inventory/stock of
this item is sold out, we will not be getting any more in. We do not
have the ability to order more. I can report that we have about 300
currently in-stock but they are a fast seller for us so that number
will continue to go down.

Being that they are already below wholesale, I can not lower the price
much and it isn't worth our hassle to sell them to you in 10 unit
amounts. I can sell you 100 units for $2,200 shipped to your Florida
address. If you want it shipped directly to Japan, that will be at
your cost in addition to the above price. Payment must be made in
advance via wire transfer or US Dollars money order.




bemaxer English → Japanese
Original Text

No you miss understood the case marine has a little tear where the seem of the two layers meet meaning the front and the back of the cover ( case marine) so I placed my phone on the water to probe the case marine already installed on my phone and because of the hole water got it and my phone got water damage

Send me an e mail where I can send you the pictures .

To send you the defective item it's costing me half what I paid for it why don't you give me 50% discount and I'll buy another one or maybe two ? You let me know

P.s. the pictures dont really show the little tear it's minimal but enought let water in its right on the top where the earplugs go abs the power button is.




