bananamoon (bananamoon) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago Male 30s
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
bananamoon English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

15 Smartphone Apps to Teach Yourself Chinese

Learning a new language is never easy, but Chinese can be one of the hardest for English speakers to master as it requires not only learning to speak a new language but also to read and write using an entirely different set of characters. Learners don’t have to go it alone, however. As the popularity of learning Mandarin has exploded over the past few years, so have the number of helpful resources catered to language learners that can aid in studying, learning, and practicing key language skills. Even better, many of these resources are available over a smartphone, making it possible to learn at any time and from anywhere and often at no or a very low cost.


15 中国語学習のためのスマートフォンアプリ


bananamoon English → Japanese
Original Text

Here we highlight just a few of the best Chinese language learning apps out there today, offering language learners the chance to use flashcards, look up words, draw characters, and practice vocab on-the-go.

1. Pleco Chinese Dictionary:

Pleco is one of the best Chinese dictionaries currently on the market and, amazingly, it’s also free. Through the app, language learners can look up words, read documents, practice with flashcards, and even get help with writing Chinese characters.

2. Radio Chinese Plus+:

Expose yourself to Chinese language news programs, music, and more through this great app that connects you via iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, or Android to some of the top U.S.-based Mandarin radio stations.



1, Pleco 中国語辞典


2, Radio Chinese Plus+


bananamoon English → Japanese
Original Text

We have seen an influx of foreign investors into Indonesia over the past year, what are your opinions about their contribution to the local community and where do you see opportunities for investors who are yet to enter the Indonesian market?

Mobile space, particularly the low end. There is huge potential in this space but just not well exploited yet. Low end mobile market currently only has a few big players like Blaast. We are talking about a large low end mobile market outside of Jakarta, and the majority of population in indonesia. Low end mobile market as in feature phones, not smartphone. Smartphone market is probably only 20 percent of the total mobile market in Indonesia.



携帯電話、とくにlow end、この領域には、まだ開発はされていないのだが、巨大な潜在的価値があるのだ。Low end mobile marketには現在、ごく少数のBlaastのような強力なプレイヤーしかいないのである。我々はジャカルタの外のlow end mobile marketとインドネシアの人口の大部分について話しているのだ。スマートフォンではなく、未来の携帯電話としてのLow end mobile marketだ。スマートフォンの市場はおそらくインドネシアの携帯電話市場の20パーセントを占めるにすぎないのである。