Many childrens were comming to watch the musical on the day I went. You can enjoy it either with your lover or friends. The sets and the staging of the musical was modern and different from others I watched before. Exquisit sets and screen images which modern techniques was applied dramatised the various sceans well. The scenes which are difficult to discribe in the musical was well presented by many creative attempts. There were many scenes which is fun and with beautiful sets.
BSI側でレポート出力できなたっかデータを再度取得することは可能ですか例)3/1 レポート出力(30拠点分) ただし3/5-3/10までの3拠点分のデータが出力されなかった 3/5-3/10までNWがダウンしていたためとするこれは3/2以降に取得できなかった3拠点分のデータをBSIにて取得し、再度レポートすることは可能か
Can I retake the data which I couldn't output through BSI?e.g. I output reports of thirty areas on March 31st. From Mar 5th to 10th, I couldn't output data of three areas. This was because NW was down from Mar 5th to Mar 10th.Can I retake data of BSI and report three area's data which I couldn't output?