Accuracy management of a torgue wrench.A torgue wrench is not a measuring instrument, but manages with the setting value (torgue value) to stabilize a setscrew torgue. In other words, the torgue value is checked by a torgue tester every month, and confirmed if it is within a reference ( +/- 7% of the setting value.)Combined by inserting an aluminum pipe into a hosepipe as well as caulking with a cylindrical sleeve.It is a cooling path connecting each functional part of a compressor, a condenser and as such for the car air conditioner. Also, the hose is responsible for absorbing vibrations from the car and protecting the functional parts.The possible defect of the quality Wrong bending angle of the pipe.
The safety measures are taken to protect personal information against risks including a loss, damage, manipulation and a leak of the resource.