AShin (ashin) Translations

ID Verified
Over 11 years ago
United Kingdom
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ashin Japanese → English
Original Text



Sorry for my late response, as I was away on business and could not check the item until today.
I have opened the box and checked the watch I ordered, however the contents of the box were scatterwed, and the watch was unwrapped.
Also, when I checked the item condition, there is a scrach which my nail is stuck on surface.
As you are high scored experienced sellar, I don't want to believe that you dispatched the item having such a bad condition.
Please check the condition of the watch with the attached image.

I am very sorry to tell you this, but to be honest, I would like to return the item, as this has no value.
However, this is not realistic, considering the shipping cost, so I therefore would like to request half refund for the item.
Look forward to hearing from you.

ashin Japanese → English
Original Text






I would be pleased if you determine with the image attached in this message. A power supply cable for Japan is included as well. I am not sure which power volatage is used in Russia, but you probably need an electrical converter. Of course, one-year manufacturer warrncy is included.

For brand-new, we are now asking the manufacturer and warehouses about its availability, however, the response will be coming after this weekend, as today is non-business day in Japan.

Could you please select either the brand-new item or the displayed item with a power supply, and let me know which you prefer, if possible? Thank you for your cooperation.

I am afraid that I am not going to continue the contract with you anymore, as you required the payment before you comple the work I asked. I will pay for $6, and then this business will be end.

ashin Japanese → English
Original Text



Based on the domestic contract agreement in Japan, we concluded the contract directly with A in a japanese format. B submitted the translated document of the contract from Japanese to English for confirmation. Most of works are written in Japanese, and we are planning to develop them for Japanese market. At the moment, we do not plan overseas development for them, however we plan to sell the work written by English digitally. It will make us possible to distribute amoung the branches approximately in X countries. Before the work comes to the market, we plan to release the work in digital version. As soon as the budget is confirmed, we will discuss how we can proceed the filming. This is an interim schedule how much filming we can do while you are in Japan. Blue font indicates the length of the filming. In terms of the parts we cannot complete filming, we will work for this after going back to Japan, and exchange the data to compensate later.